British Comedy Guide

Laughling with LOVE


Just joined, thought I would pop my head round the door and introduce myself.

Birthname Lors, also known as ALLO.
36 (biological age only actual age 'not quite known') LOL

Residing in West Lothian, BUT the less said about that the better.

(Actual place of residence.. by the ocean in a pweettty country cottage....WELL...innnn myyyy miiiind!) lol

Brighest blessings

Peace n Peas (veggie wuv)


Allo Allo! :)

Wave I greet you

Sup! Cool


Have you ever wondered why tape was invented?

It was of course made.. to 'MAKE YOU (the unbewildered tapeling) BELIEVE' THAT 'INDEED' it was going to be of such GREAT use to all of mankind (lol) as only cellotape could be..

THIS new roll of annoying stickiness was fantastically conjured up from the very depths of the mind of a man who wanted YOU to think, that it HAD INDEED been invented.. to help 'EVERYBODY' wrap UP there Christmas presents easier and with alot LESS effort.

However what he failed to inform us of ..was simply one thing..

Would Tape stick to what it was intended to stick to?

The very thing that 'YOU' chose to attempt to stick it to in the first place, or would it just stick to EVERYTHING else on earth that you DID NOT want it to cling on to….but it somehow has… like some kind of demented limpet (lol)

Did he not tell you that indeed TAPE DOES LIE! …BEEEEEEEE CAUSE 'IT' DOES!

Tape or Death I hear you cry….

Tape or Death?

'Errrr..Tape please' – Why certainly….then TAPE it SHALL be, BUT I shall warn you, the tape DOES LIE…

And what about you sir… Tape or Death…?

Errr I will have ..Tape too please…

Why certainly Tape you SHALL HAVE, but again I MUST warn you that indeed THE TAPE IS 'NOT' truthful, BUT if it is Tape you want, then it is TAPE you SHALL have…..

Annnnnnnd you Tape or Death…?

I'll have errrr.. Death please..


NO NO wait I meant Tape..Tape…not Death.

AH but you said Death first…

I MEANT TAPE alright Tape..

OH ALRIGHT ..give him Tape too.

BUT whhhhhhy do you want tape, you are in a sticky spot a bit of a binnnnnd no less for Tape DOES not do what its creative purpose was intended, 'IT WILL NEVER' be as created.. so invented for the greater good of man kind..

IT will NOT stick to your presents soley without first attatching itself to you and everything else you PO..SESS in your house.

And you think you escaped with your life?

Be afraid be VERY afraid (lol)

because THE Tape is very DANGaROO!

The tape has won for now, BUT only UNTIL someone invents ..


(Thanks Eddie for your inspiration yet again, 'covered in bees? AAAAAAAAAGAIN!
why dooooooo they dooooooooo that! buzzing around in there stripey jackets making that frightful sound ...why they MUST annoy there selves SURELY)

Quote: EllieJP @ February 12 2010, 12:43 PM GMT

Allo Allo! :)

Punicius WUV



Hello. Wave

What the hell's that tape or death thing about?

Quote: earman2009 @ February 18 2010, 8:05 PM GMT

What the hell's that tape or death thing about?

It seems to be Izzard's Cake or Death bit with the word tape replacing the word cake and then put in a blender.

It is indeed because at Christmas everyone was going on about how Sellotape was the bane of their life HA HA...and there you have it really!

Brightest Blessings


Keep him talking, I'll phone . .

Quote: Oldrocker @ February 19 2010, 11:34 PM GMT

Keep him talking, I'll phone . .

Laughing out loud

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