Steve Sunshine
Friday 12th February 2010 4:15pm [Edited]
15,902 posts
Some failures:
The Venezuelan Government have recently managed to shut down several TV channels.
You couldn't envisage Gordon Brown getting away with something like that, however much he wants to see the back of Dave…… Although he did manage to get rid of that UK Gold
After the success of Avatar, Director George Lucas has revealed plans to release a 3D version of Star Wars.
Mr Lucas says that the effects will be so convincing that the audience will feel like they can reach out & actually touch the merchandising.
that poor Susan Boyle had an intruder in her house the other day. Apparently she'd gone to all this trouble putting extra locks on all the doors & Windows & he still managed to get out.
Oh you're talking about that fella who changed his name by Deed Pole to Monster Munch.
There was that Saudi Arabian fella who did something similar, now what was his name again… Oh that was it, the Sultan Sheikh.
At the time I agreed with Tony Blair's reasons for invading Iraq. Looking back though, I'm not sure it worked out quite how he planned. The Price of Petrol hasn't even gone down.
Well I'm pleased to see the Government finally cracking down on those Cowboy Clampers. Honestly, these days you can't park your Cowboy anywhere.
Tony Blair said that the English are obsessed with conspiracy theories. I bet he was just forced to say that by his alien masters.
What about that pensioner who became a Judo Master. Unbelievable! at the age of 72 he managed to reach the rank of 10th dan Black braces.
I see that David Cameron has promised financial inducements Via Taxation for Constituents cohabitating within a Matrimonial Framework. Now I think that is discrimination against people like me, who can't understand what he is talking about.
Scientists reckon that nowadays men are evolving faster than Women. You never know, If this carries on then there may come a time in the future when some Men will be able to perform one task at a time.
It was a shame that recent Solar eclipse wasn't visible from Britain. Last time we had one I visited a small village in Cornwall & became their God.
They don't even trust us to eat properly these days. How can they be thinking of banning butter. If they do that then I'll have nothing to spread on my cornflakes.
Selling space shuttles now are they, what a rip off. I'd rather make my own one. It's hardly rocket science is it?
And my correction that got recorded but didn't make the edit:
NewsJack would like to apologize for a report last week where we suggested that England Manager Fabio Capello had punished John Terry for his indiscretions by trying to drown him. What we should have said was that he'd taken away his armband.