Quote: EllieJP @ February 10 2010, 4:08 PM GMT
Oh, am I not worth it?!
Not now you need a defribrillator on standby before you can have sex.
Quote: EllieJP @ February 10 2010, 4:08 PM GMT
Oh, am I not worth it?!
Not now you need a defribrillator on standby before you can have sex.
Quote: chipolata @ February 10 2010, 8:20 PM GMTNot now you need a defribrillator on standby before you can have sex.
Quote: Dolly Dagger @ February 10 2010, 12:28 PM GMTI thought Tesco were right. It is dangerous and if dad had slipped on a squashed grape, left perhaps by Stu Francis,
Well spotted BF.
Quote: DaButt @ February 10 2010, 6:02 AM GMT
I thought this was the comedian - who presumably already died years ago.
This is a nobody! (Although I suppose he is a "body" now.)
Quote: Kevin Murphy @ February 10 2010, 12:13 PM GMThttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/7204518/Channel-4-to-stop-showing-Friends-after-15-years.html
No Big Brother, no Friends... Channel 4 will be just Countdown and 23 hours of dead air then?
Thank you God!
Quote: Chappers @ February 11 2010, 12:48 PM GMTThis is a nobody! (Although I suppose he is a "body" now.)
He was fairly well known here and was probably the most popular character on the show. I received e-mails from a few of my friends and the story of his death was one of the most popular searches on Google and CNN.
Quote: Chappers @ February 11 2010, 12:48 PM GMTI thought this was the comedian - who presumably already died years ago.
Yes I was thinking of the Phil Harris who played Baloo in the Jungle Book as well.
Take me home daddy!
Classic movie!
I actually watched that last night! True story.
Quote: Leevil @ February 11 2010, 2:29 PM GMTI actually watched that last night! True story.
Apart from the dance with the grass skirt & the coconuts, I think it was.
I'm very disappointed in Mr McGregor.
(but also slightly pleased he's gone for a blonde)
Well they're not exactly shagging in the street!
Could be perfectly innocent, depends how physical he is with his female friends I spose.
She does look like she fancies him though.
I do tend to link arms with male friends (they are mostly gay), but that's to help me walk due to heels and alcohol. But I've never held hands like they are in that photo.
Oh, I didn't notice hand holding.
Ewan, you're fired!
I thought McGreggor was going out with Charlie Boorman? They made a nice couple, although I think Boorman was using him.