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Sucka-Fu Chicken-Hed

Sucka-Fu Chicken-Hed

I really enjoyed this, I think the passport photos were really funny but could have been a little more adventures, the gag with the vodka lemonade didn't really need the money bit at the end as the joke itself is funniest when she finally says 'when' loved the clown, overall very very good :D

Laughed out loud at most of these. Very well made and naturally acted. I liked the way that the action drove the comedy.

Laughing out loud This was really good. The only critisism I have is the end one with the clown. I think it would have worked with a plate of food, like spaghetti not a pie. but who cares it was 10 minutes of laughter. Good one :)

I've just checked out your profile impressive stuff. :O

Hi Christian.
This is very impressive, I could definitely see it being on telly.

If I'd known you were waiting to top the Skitcomp league before showing it then I would have voted for you a bit more often :D

It's got a nice pace, excellent performances & is a great showcase for your talents.
I was hoping to see a Tin man trying to get through customs.. maybe next time.
Excellent stuff.


Hey Coolio,

I am very impressed, you had famous people in that and everything ;)

Top Notch!

One thing though, is that really the name? Sorry to be a party pooper, but it doesn't make sense.

Hello all - many thanks for your feedback, comments duly noted and much appreciated!

This is dreadful. The only sketch that is even remotely funny is the one with the businessman with the fake arms -and this doesn't feel original. The passport quickies are embarrassing and the one with the clown and the custard pie doesn't work because you can see the waitress carrying the custard pie up the stairs. The clever touch of her laying out the cutlery goes for nothing.

And what is the point of the vodka sketch? It's easy to think of absurd situations to put in a sketches that could not happen in real life. This is perhaps the laziest I have ever seen.

The most original sketch is the one of the guy cutting an onion instead of cocaine. It's pleasingly left field, but it isn't really funny and it doesn't go anywhere.

Sorry to be so negative, but I actually fear this sort of stuff. Professionally presented smug crap. Soulless and empty.

Ambition seeking money. Without talent.

Pollution not comedy.

Thank you for the feedback Godot Taxis but would it be possible for you to remove all the specific reveals in your critique please for anyone new watching it?

Many thanks,

The link's at the top of the thread. I think it's reasonable for any posts following the link to contain an open discussion about the content. A couple of other posters have also 'revealed' sketches - you didn't ask them.

Fair enough, stay lucky!

I really wanted to like this, but I have to agree with the taxi man's comments. It was well presented, but it lacked any 'soul' or creativity. It could have been funnier, even at the silly/mundane level, for example at the airport check in, a guy could walk in with glasses. Then when the control dude checks him, he could turn around and put the glasses on the back of his head. It's elementary, but seeing 3 people pull a similar 'crazy' face, was just a bit of a poor effort. It seems like you just took a camera and made stuff up on the spot...after a 24 hour flight...because you were too tired to think/ build on ideas.

Again, to jump on Taxi's bandwagon (or taxi as it were, mwahahahahhaha hahahahahaha hahaha ok perhaps not)the clown scene witht he cream pie to the face...the cream pie should be concealed until the moment of impact. Apart from that, the idea that this clown has it rough, and the ring tone, was quite humourous.

I thought the car alarm/ tweeting bird scene was very good, although people's alarms normally go off as they leave their car. so it would have worked better if he closed his door, walked into a shop, then the alarm.

The Mikado is hugely talented, and has the credits prove it, but I am not sure this presents his work to the best advantage. Inevitably the choice of material is dictated by budget constraints, which precludes some of Christian's more inspired flights of fancy. But there is still a lot in here to like, and the production has a broadcast quality feel; a superior product to some that do make it on to the telly.

Personally I think the wobbly arm man sketch would have worked better if the two didn't bring the stuff in at the beginning and the manager was embarassed about having to help him and pretending it was normal, etc. It didn't work when he was on his own because anyone would use their mouth, nose, etc if they couldn't use their arms.

The man with the ice cream didn't need the crying at the end either.

But good work and great cast. :)

Thanks again for all the feedback, it really is appreciated. It was a great experience making this as the main objective was to arse about and create some harmless nonsense that people would hopefully laugh at and remember, so any smiles are a little victory!

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