British Comedy Guide

Newsjack - Series 2 Page 45

Quote: sootyj @ February 6 2010, 10:45 PM GMT

The Guardian should start page3s


:D :) :( :O Sick

Quote: Timbo @ February 6 2010, 11:06 PM GMT

When she was young she was very hot.

Quote: chipolata @ February 6 2010, 11:18 PM GMT

When she was young she was very hot.

I bet you wouldn't have her as an avatar though?

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ February 6 2010, 11:19 PM GMT

I bet you wouldn't have her as an avatar though? :D

For a brief stint I did have her as my avatar! But I got complaints.

From the feminists I'll bet.

Sent in my 2 sketches today. Lets see if the good fortune of the forum can rub off on my chances this week :)

Pity its the last week of the show.

Sent my last batch of stuff just (save for the Vox Pops tomorrow). Let's hope I can maintain my clean sweep of getting sod all on. Fingers crossed! :)

Two sketches sent this week. Not high hopes as Ive been too busy at work!!! Grrr, reality, eh!

Got a few vox pops etc 'in the mixer' but I don't have the va-voom this week. Or any other week, now I come to thnk of it. God luck all.


Been a bit busy too, so just one sketch this week, and I'm hoping for some voxpops too. I hold out no hopes... bonne chance tout le monde!

ooh - no auto-reply this week!

Ah - just got it. Only took an hour and twenty minutes... lots of submissions clogging the email perhaps?

Quote: Wishus @ February 8 2010, 1:11 PM GMT

Ah - just got it. Only took an hour and twenty minutes... lots of submissions clogging the email perhaps?

I'm sure this breaking news story led to a flood of late submissions.....

A one-armed man is being hunted by police for stealing a single cufflink worth £120 from a jewellery shop.

I didn't do any sketches this week (making it a perfect 6 out 6 for me) but I'm PUMPED for tomorrow's attempt to get a 2nd consecutive Voxpop aired.

(hmmm...something about 'armless'.....there must be comedy gold there....)

Quote: Wishus @ February 8 2010, 1:11 PM GMT

Ah - just got it. Only took an hour and twenty minutes... lots of submissions clogging the email perhaps?

I have it on good authority that they type all the auto-replies manually, one at a time, which is why they sometimes take a while.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ February 8 2010, 3:03 PM GMT

I have it on good authority that they type all the auto-replies manually, one at a time, which is why they sometimes take a while.


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