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Newswipe With Charlie Brooker - Series 2 Page 3

Quote: Aaron @ February 2 2010, 11:00 PM GMT

Or, perhaps, the 'threat level' was raised so that Labour can say, come May, "Look, we saved you from this increased terror threat; the Tories would cut defence spending".

Cynical, moi?

(Pity that Brooker didn't make that observation, but then I guess he does has his lefty/anti-Conservative agenda to push.)

Nicely put, Aaron. Last night's episode was terrible, one of the worst things I've seen on TV for a long time. Here's my review of it, done in the style of the man himself.

The big story of the week was of course The Iraq Inquiry and in particular ex-minister and now full time millionaire Tony Blair smarmy appearance which the media, especially the BBC, were obsessing over all week like schoolboys waiting to get home the latest issue of Razzle which they'd pinched from the newsagents. However since Charlie Brooker's meme in Newswipe is media hysteria and to paid-up Guardianitas there can be no hysteria about Eye-rack (which sounds like a cut price opticians similar to spec savers), Israel or Climate Change, he instead went with the decidedly old news and one rather more difficult to play for laughs, Haiti disaster.
This presented some difficulties for Charlie since last week when the news was fresh he declared it too depressing to critique instead devoting the episode to generic abuse aimed at unenlightened broadcasters such as Sky, ITN and channel 5. However since the only significant story to overshadow it was every Liberal's wank fantasy, Blair potentially fessing up to leading an illegal war, and having to analyse this might cause Brooker to examine his own bigotry, it caused him a rethink. Maybe death and misery in a third world country is not lacking comedy value after all!

His approach was to depict the media as vultures circling the fresh carcass of journalistic integrity and to resurrect the familiar noble savage idea favoured by big-brained collosi such as James Cameron (no relation to that Bullindon airhead David) and Danny Glover , and to suggest that the coverage by the wicked conspiracy of Sky-Fox-Itn was borderline racist. THEY'RE NOT SAVAGES! YOU'RE THE SAVAGES, YOU CUNTS! Even if they are -er- looting and fighting and shit. Oh and the media were raising awareness and money whereas a lefty twat sitting on his couch in West London moaning was doing -er- what exactly?

Despite elsewhere lambasting mindless celebrity involvement, Brooker finds the time to heap praise on that notable intellectual and political commenter, Nick Kershaw, for a letter written to that enlightened and soon to be non-existent publication, The Independent.

This vulture-like media raised Brooker's hackles by questioning the efficiency of the saintly UN in this. This was only the press, in its long forgotten role as the fourth estate, basically doing its job. This lack of aid was due, Brooker informed us en passant, to fear of violence even though according to Brooker's meme, gathered from seating on a sofa in West London, was that the violence was exaggerated for ratings purposes. Hmmm.

Brooker was particularly outraged that Kay Burley described Haiti as having a "violent history" which had him falling back to the dreary knee-jerk bash Britain reflex that such people have. "What about our violent history" he whined vaguely. Yep, that's right Charlie. In living memory, Haiti has had civil wars and two homocidal dictators while Britain has had a -um- peaceful democracy since the 18th century. Nice comparison, you stupid c**t.

In fact Brooker's hatred of Sky And Fox reached almost epidemic proportions. I don't know why he doesn't rename Newswipe Rupert Murdoch Watch and be done with it.

Ben O'Reilly of Fox News, in particular, raises Brooker's blood temperature. His adjectival ire is twisted to new heights of venom to describe O'Reilly as a "rightwing blowhard" who runs a "festival of bellowing" show (unlike Brooker's own even tempered and apolitical festival of facts) on Fox while MSNBC, in its only appearance lasting all of two seconds, is politely called called Left-leaning despite being so far left that it makes Joseph Stalin look like Margaret Thatcher. And it only garners this for honourably mentioning that western capitalists are trying to cash in on this disaster. CASH IN ON THIS DISASTER! THE BASTARDS!

Although elsewhere Brooker was forced to admit through gritted teeth that Fox's news coverage had in fact been more 'fair and balanced" (That's their slogan. Geddit?) than anyone else's, O'Reilly's big crime was to have the temerity to mention that wicked and greedy capitalist scuzepot America was by far the biggest donor to the Haiti appeal while caring sharing and wealth distributing socialist states including the very rich China had given virtually nothing. I guess charity begins at home for Marxists. Since this played against the Guardian meme that Chavez is a well meaning and misunderstood hero fighting against American imperialism and not an egotistical and selfish fruitcake oppressing his people, Charlie had to counter this right-wing propaganda with a few hilarious witticisms such as "every little helps". Nice to see anti-capitalist lefties now lifting slogans from Tescos. Oh wait, they're supposed to be the enemy. Shopping and shit. Maybe Brooker never read the chapter on commodity fetishism.

Quote: Cheesehoven @ February 3 2010, 5:11 PM GMT

Despite elsewhere lambasting mindless celebrity involvement, Brooker finds the time to heap praise on that notable intellectual and political commenter, Nick Kershaw, for a letter written to that enlightened and soon to be non-existent publication, The Independent.

Wow, you really don't like Charlie Brooker do you?

Firstly didn't he actually praise Fox News's coverage of Haiti (admittedly grudgingly) and secondly I don't think it was 1980s singing sensation Nick Kershaw but Radio DJ Andy Kershaw.

Personally I thought it was a great programme, especially the hilarious lampooning of the terror level with the background music from "War of the Worlds".

Quote: Tony Cowards @ February 3 2010, 5:28 PM GMT

and secondly I don't think it was 1980s singing sensation Nick Kershaw but Radio DJ Andy Kershaw.


Quote: Tony Cowards @ February 3 2010, 5:28 PM GMT

I don't think it was 1980s singing sensation Nick Kershaw but Radio DJ Andy Kershaw.

My mistake. Obviously any comparison between Andy Kershaw and a vacuous self-important micro-celebrity is purely coincidental.

What he showed was one reporter on the bbc saying violence was pretty sporadic and then another from bbc saying all hell was breaking loose. With all media constantly referring to the potential violence. Whereas as, I think it was UN spokeman on Fox news pointed out, there was no serious issue with violence hampering the aid effort other than the thought it could. The clip with those guys having a laugh as they broke boxes up while the news claimed it was some kind of mass fight over cardboard boxes, come on.

I agree the violent history comparsion was a bit stretched.

Bill O'reilly did come across as a bit of a dick mocking the aid given by other countries. Though I have wondered how come some countries (with equivalent resources) do always give more. And brooker did mock Chavez when Chavez was blaming America for the quake

And let's face it, lambasting mindless celebrity involvement, although an easy target, it was funny to see that clip of Sting on newsnight.

Cheesehoven, if you're going to review Newswipe in the style of the great man himself you have to make it funny. And I'm sure Brooker will deal with the Iraq inquiry before the end of the series.

For those interested, here is the complete version of the song used as Newswipe's theme tune.

Quote: Ian Wolf @ February 3 2010, 6:24 PM GMT

For those interested, here is the complete version of the song used as Newswipe's theme tune.

It is good. Also the orignal, live and four tet mixes are pretty good too.

Seeing as they're getting a bit of a bashing, I just wanted to come out in support of Tim Key's poems... I think they're good!

Quote: Mark @ February 3 2010, 8:04 PM GMT

Seeing as they're getting a bit of a bashing, I just wanted to come out in support of Tim Key's poems... I think they're good!

Nothing wrong with them, just unnecessary for Newswipe.

Hi I'm back wasn't getting any writing done.

Tim Key's poems are so shit if Sadam was storing them I'd have supported the Gulf War.

Quote: Mark @ February 3 2010, 8:04 PM GMT

Seeing as they're getting a bit of a bashing, I just wanted to come out in support of Tim Key's poems... I think they're good!

I think they're very good too. Maybe a bit of an awkward pace change for Newswipe, though. It's a bit difficult to find a place for his poetry. I saw him in Edinburgh, an unplanned performance with Daniel Kitchen, and people didn't really give him a chance, they just kept taking the piss because he'd been in that Strongbow advert where he goes 'paaaaaaaaaah' after taking a sip. I also like him in We Need Answers.

Quote: sootyj @ February 3 2010, 8:13 PM GMT

Hi I'm back wasn't getting any writing done.


Do have to agree Cheesehoven Charlie Brooker is funny and you haven't caught that. I agree it was easily the weakest episode he'd presented. Not quite sure what was missing, though Cheesehove your remarks puzzle me.

He slated the BBC for their hysterical bigging up violence and praised Fox news for being more measured. I did find his picking at Bill O'Reillys pompousness.

He also found several opportunities to have a poke at the government good for him.

The wibbling about the liberal left is something I always find weird.
What liberal left? There's a Labour government that slashes social spending, freezes public sector pay and invades other countries.

Quote: sootyj @ February 3 2010, 8:18 PM GMT

Do have to agree Cheesehoven Charlie Brooker is funny and you haven't caught that. I agree it was easily the weakest episode he'd presented. Not quite sure what was missing, though Cheesehove your remarks puzzle me.

He slated the BBC for their hysterical bigging up violence and praised Fox news for being more measured. I did find his picking at Bill O'Reillys pompousness.

He also found several opportunities to have a poke at the government good for him.

The wibbling about the liberal left is something I always find weird.
What liberal left? There's a Labour government that slashes social spending, freezes public sector pay and invades other countries.

The problem is that we live in this country by a media dominated by Liberal thinking (ie pro-euthansia, anti-Israel, etc) yet the one person they find to critique this is to the Left? I find myself in agreement with Southpark's Trey Parker "I hate conservatives but I really really f**king hate liberals". What I want is a diversity of viewpoint, not Guardian-BBC being critiqued by the Guardian.
Another problem is that now there is a now a new generation of people who watch shit like this uncritically. They are wary of the news but they accept tosser Brooker's "analysis" at face value. GOOD OLE CHARLIE, HE'S SO FUNNY AND HE'S TELLING IT LIKE IT IS! He's not. He's got an elitist worldview and simply going along with it does not make one intelligent.
For the alleged lack of liberal-left in Labour: there is nothing in the left that is contrary to war, in fact, leftwing governments have been more pro-interventionism than the right. It is in the nature of the left to be in favour of intervention. The ridiculous fantasy that left=anti-war cannot be maintained. For you other allegations, it should be noted that 50% of the jobs New Labour has created in the last 13 years has been in the public sector.


The problem is that we live in this country by a media dominated by Liberal thinking (ie pro-euthansia, anti-Israel, etc) yet the one person they find to critique this is to the Left? I find myself in agreement with Southpark's Trey Parker "I hate conservatives but I really really f**king hate liberals". What I want is a diversity of viewpoint, not Guardian-BBC being critiqued by the Guardian.

What would you like to hear from a news review programme?

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