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/how about a Pope Olympics?

Quote: Leevil @ February 2 2010, 2:27 PM GMT

/how about a Pope Olympics?

There can only be one winner!


Quote: Matthew Stott @ February 2 2010, 1:39 PM GMT

I'd rather have The Olympics than The Pope, and I'm not at all interested in The Olympics.

I'd rather have the Pope than the Olympics. At least the old git won't consume every singly minute of airtime on every single channel for the two weeks preceding, during, and following each set of games.

Nice to see Armando Ianuuci nominated for an Oscar.

Quote: chipolata @ February 2 2010, 8:15 PM GMT

Nice to see Armando Ianuuci nominated for an Oscar.

They do an Oscar for most vowels in a surname?

He's got it in the bag!

I say, I say, I say, why has Armando Ianuuci got so many vowels in his name?

Quote: Rob H @ February 2 2010, 10:26 PM GMT

They do an Oscar for most vowels in a surname?

Let's start the countdown then.

Can somebody explain to me why at the gym, women generally get separate showers or at least partition walls, whereas men all have to shower together in one communal, hairy, sweaty, smelly, farting, knob-swinging, bollock-dangling room?
It was the same at school as I remember, the girls got at least a modicum of privacy whereas the boys were all forced to shower together while the PE teacher looked on like some f**king Greek paedo orgy-master.

And what's with the guys in the changing room itself? Have they no shame at all? How is it okay to bend over naked in front of another man (me) who's sitting at eye-level with his now winking Eye Of Sauron? F**k off mate, get your arse out of my face and while you're at it, how about not drying your cock and balls so briskly that they actually make slapping sounds? Yes, I get it. You have genitals and you're proud. Well done.

Sorry, just needed to get that off my chest.

I've never understood why women get so much more privacy than men in changing room situations either. I'm just very grateful!

Re recent discussion of Pope's visit.

This came in my email today.


After getting all of Pope Benedict's luggage loaded into the limo, and He doesn't travel light, the driver notices that the Pope is still standing on the curb

'Excuse me, Your Holiness,' says the driver,

'Would you please take your seat so we can leave?'

'Well, to tell you the truth,' says the Pope, 'they never let me drive at the Vatican, and I'd really like to drive today.'

'I'm sorry but I cannot let you do that. I'd lose my job!
And what if something should happen?' protests the driver, wishing he'd never gone to work that morning.

'There might be something extra in it for you,' says
the Pope.

Reluctantly, the driver gets in the back as the Pope climbs in behind the wheel. The driver quickly regrets his decision when, after exiting
the airport, the Pontiff floors it, accelerating the limo to 105 mph.

'Please slow down, Your Holiness!!!' pleads the worried driver, but the Pope keeps the pedal to the metal until they hear sirens. 'Oh, dear God,
I'm gonna lose my license,' moans the driver.

The Pope pulls over and rolls down the window as the cop approaches, but the cop takes one look at him, goes Back to his motorcycle, and gets on
the radio.

'I need to talk to the Chief,' he says to the dispatcher.

The Chief gets on the radio and the cop tells him that he's stopped a limo going a hundred and five.

'So bust him,' says the Chief.

'I don't think we want to do that - he's really important,' said the cop.

The Chief exclaimed, 'All the more reason!'

'No, I mean really important,' said the cop.

The Chief then asked, 'Who have you got there, the Mayor?'

Cop: 'Bigger.'

Chief: 'Governor?'

Cop: 'Bigger.'

'Well,' said the Chief, 'Who is it?'

Cop: 'I think it's God!'

Chief: 'What makes you think it's God?'

....................keep going............................

Cop: 'He's got the ****ing Pope as a chauffeur!'

Quote: zooo @ February 3 2010, 7:18 PM GMT

I've never understood why women get so much more privacy than men in changing room situations either. I'm just very grateful!

I genuinely think it's something to do with blokes and their macho "If you want privacy, you must have something to hide" mentality. Which is ridiculous. I just don't enjoy being in such close proximity to sweaty nads. Horrible.

Quote: Mr Snodworthy @ February 3 2010, 7:11 PM GMT

men all have to shower together in one communal, hairy, sweaty, smelly, farting, knob-swinging, bollock-dangling room?

Quote: Mr Snodworthy @ February 3 2010, 7:11 PM GMT

the PE teacher looked on like some f**king Greek paedo orgy-master.

Quote: Mr Snodworthy @ February 3 2010, 7:11 PM GMT

bend over naked in front of another man (me) who's sitting at eye-level with his now winking Eye Of Sauron?

Quote: Mr Snodworthy @ February 3 2010, 7:11 PM GMT

drying your cock and balls so briskly that they actually make slapping sounds? You have genitals and you're proud.

You should write for this mag, Mr Snodworthy!

Quote: Morrace @ February 3 2010, 7:30 PM GMT

You should write for this mag, Mr Snodworthy!


>_< Laughing out loud

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