I want to put my youngest back from whence he came.
Are all teenage boys bastards or just mine??
Dont get me wrong he is a gorgeous looking specimen, takes after his mum.
He is kind, hard working & polite but he sure gets stroppy. He has a girlfriend who he loves to make bed music too. We just turn the TV up to fookoff loud.
His room, which I am not allowed in, but go in anyhoo, is a pigsty. I have a duty as a mummy to check his room for drugs & condoms. Dont I?
Ps. Never found drugs, well a wee bit of weed once. Which I stole & smoked.
He says he will do something but never does. Eg his room.
When I scream at him that he has not tidied said room, he hollers back that I should not know as i am not supposed to go in his room.
He thinks he knows everything, he has an answer for everything.
Most importantly I am petrified that the bed music will produce a baby.
That will make me a gran. I am too young & beautiful to be a granny.
Saying all that though, my eldest who is 21 has now left home. I am dreading the day the baby one followes. He recently went to see his dad in Scotland & told me on his return, "I might move up there".
I flung myself on the floor & wailed, hung on to his ankles & begged him to stay. He looked at me a tad funny but i knew it was with love.
The little bastard.