So how many levels does this fail on?
MILES: It is been a stirring week in the world of ornithology. The breeding site of the rare Large-billed Reed Warbler has been discovered by American researchers in a remote valley in Afghanistan, something of a disappointment as they had been hoping to find Osama Bin Laden. Meanwhile the Saltmarsh Sparrow of Connecticut has been dubbed the world's most promiscuous bird after it was found that the average clutch of eggs has two point five fathers. The CSA, or Chick Support Agency, has been alerted. But the biggest birding story is closer to home, at the Slimbridge Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, with the annual influx of four thousand Bewick Swans.
ORNITHOLGIST:...and ninety-seven, three thousand nine-hundred and ninety-eight...
ASSISTANT(F.):Hey, look!
ORNITHOLOGIST:Three thousand nine-hundred and ninety...
ASSISTANT:Look at that swan.
ORNITHOLGIST:Which swan? I've just looked at three thousand nine hundred and ninety - blast I've lost count! One, two...
ASSISTANT:No that swan! There, the one with a smug look on his bill.
ORNITHOLGISTwans can't look sm - Oh I, say he does look rather pleased with himself. Hang on, I know him, that's old Sarindi.
ASSISTANT:Yes, but shouldn't he be with...
ORNITHOLGISTaruni! Good grief you're right. So who is that nestling under his wing?
ASSISTANT:I don't know, but she's young enough to be his cygnet.
ORNITHOLGISToor Saruni. Swans of course mate for life, so she must be...
ASSISTANTver there. Having her neck nibbled, by that chap with the enormous knob.
ORNITHOLGISTh.. on his bill. Yes.
ASSISTANT:Look at the hussy. No better than a Saltmarsh Sparrow.
ORNITHOLGIST:Quite. Of course they are away from their breeding grounds. A, ha-ha, migration fling perhaps?
ASSISTANT:I don't think so. Look she's wearing his ring!
ORNITHOLGISTh, really! I gave her that ring last year.
ASSISTANT:You homewrecker! How could you? I know she is a fine looking fowl, and I am sure there are times when we have all looked at the sensuous curve of a white neck and recalled Yeats' lines from Leda and the Swan: "the staggering girl, her thighs caressed, by the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill", I know I have. But look at her now - a ruined swan!
ORNITHOLGISTear lady calm yourself. I merely meant that I had ringed her for identification purposes.
ASSISTANT:That's what they all say! You want to watch your step. That Sarindi's the jealous type. He could break your arm.
ORNITHOLGIST:That's a myth you know.
ASSISTANTf course it is. I am not stupid. I know Zeus didn't really ravish Leda in the form of a swan.
ORNITHOLGIST:No, I mean ... never mind. Sadly it does appear though that Saruni and Sarindi are no longer a couple. Divorce it seems is a fact of life, even among swans.
ASSISTANT:It's our broken society!
ORNITHOLGIST:Well, there's nothing we can do about it.
ASSISTANT:I can - I am voting for David Cameron. Saruni - don't give up on him! Fight for your cob! You'll see, with a transferable tax allowance he''ll take you back in a shot!
MILES:That's right. Under the Tories married swans will have smaller bills.