Godot Taxis
Sunday 31st January 2010 12:44am [Edited]
5,760 posts
Quote: Aaron @ January 29 2010, 8:59 PM GMT
Frankie is/was terrible for satire. Which, presumably, is what Mock The Week is meant to be about, or at least focussed around. He does anger very well, but nothing particularly clever or insightful.
I didn't use the word satire. He's not a satirist. But most of his stuff is political in the true sense (not party political). I said 'state of the Nation' and 'critical' because it's clear that he thinks that the country is a shithole and he isn't slow in apportioning blame.
It's not surprising that you don't have much affinity with his humour as you have little in common politically.
Quote: Gelgoog @ January 30 2010, 7:01 PM GMT
I agree. Really, all he did for the last several series is string togethor famous names and offensive things. The point of satire is that it needs to make a clever, clear point about the topic being discussed. What Frankie was doing wasn't really any different from kids in the playground who think saying taboo things makes them edgy or cool. I'm not saying he has no business being a comedian but the format hardly tested him or anyone else. The average audience for Mock The Week do tend to whoop and cheer at anything.
None of your points is true.