British Comedy Guide

Picasso Jones and Billy Foothigh in Grave Matters.

Radio Show [I could'nt get this to copy and paste so had to try and write it in the thread!.]

A couple of pages from one of set of six shows featuring Jones and Foothigh two police officers in olde England.

Narrator:Once again ladies and gentlemen the two most famous
policemen on radio are out to solve another case of
intrigue and cunning.This time our detective duo find themselves
[PAUSE] where are you this time?

Foothigh:Sssh...we're over here.


Foothigh:Here in this graveyard[SFX.WIND.BELLS.WOOD.CREAKING.BARKING.]

Narrator:Right.I'm off[SFX.RUNNING AWAY.]

Foothigh:[SHOUTING AFTER HIM] Scaredy cat.


Jones: Ignore him Foothigh theres nothing to be scared of.The dead can't hurt you.

Voices: Oh yes we can[SPOOKY LAUGHTER]

Jones: I'm going to have a word with the scriptwriters about this.


Jones: What is it?

Footman:I want my mummy[CRYING.SUCKING THUMB]

Jones: Oh don't be daft man, theres nothing to be frightened of and as for wanting your
mother shes right here with you,isn't she?

Foothigh:Yes sir.Shes buried by that large tree that keeps creaking all the time.Five years to
the day since she died.[SFX.CREAKING TIMBERS] Right on the stroke of midnight it
was.[SFX.WIND.BLOWING.BELL CHIMES.] I remember someone was singing at the time

Jones: Was it chucking out time at the pub downstairs?

Foothigh: Would you mind if I paid a visit?

Jones: Number ones or twos?

Foothigh: To see my mother sir.

Jones: Oh yes,off you go.I'll keep watch.

Foothigh: Won't be a moment[SFX.WIND.FOOTSTEPS.]

Jones: Hang on I'll keep you company.[SFX.RUNNING]

Foothigh: Here we are.

Jones: Would you like a minute?

Foothigh: Can I have a light?

Jones: I thought you'd given up?

Foothigh:No sir,the lantern.I want to read the inscription.[SNIFFLE]

Jones: Here hold this.I'll read it for you.[CLEARS THROAT] Here ,lies Cinderella
Foothigh...Died at sea...Fell off the quayside into the dock...God bless her
and all who sailed in her.

Foothigh:Brings a tear to the eye.

Jones: That'll be this wind,cuts right through.

Foothigh:You know never knew my father...

Jones: [WHISPERING] Nor did your mother.

Foothigh:[SNIFFLE] On my birth certificate it says fathers unknown,but one day I'm going to
find him and when I do I'm going to run right up to him and punch him so hard in
the kneecaps..

Jones: Leave it Foothigh,don't go upsetting yourself
Jones:[cont] Quick behind the tree.

Femail Voice: Oh Arthur I can't do it 'ere.Its kinda creepy.

Mail Voice:Go on.No one will see.

Jones: [CLEARING THROAT] Excuse me.


Male Voice: 'Ere its one of them Peeking Toms.

Foothigh:No we're not,and its Pepping Toms.


Male Voice: There's bleeding two of 'em.Why you pair of per...

Jones: Police officers.

Foothigh:Why its Mr Heavens.

Jones: You know him?

Foothigh:Its the vicar who buried my mother.

Male Voice: Foothigh?

Femail Voice: Yes you are aren't you?

Mail Voice:Is that your mothers grave?

Foothigh:[SNIFFLE] Yes it is.

Femail Voice: Did she die when you were small?

Jones: No hes always been that size.

Femail Voice: How did you get in the police force?

Foothigh:I lied about my height.


Narrator:Is there anybody there?Is there anybody there?

Jones: I thought you had gone home?

Narrator:Someones locked the door.

Foothigh:Hope your not scared are you?

Narrator: Who said that? Oh didn't see you down there.

Jones: Stop it the pair of you.

Narrator: One and half of us.

Jones: Now Mr Heavens why are you in this graveyard at this
late hour?

Foothigh: Yes whats up vicar?

Femail Voice: Nothings up now.

Vicar: My goodfellows my assistant Miss Lotte Ballsover and myself are here on a

Foothigh: Missionary position more like.

Vicar: We aim to bring solice,peace and hope to the lost souls of the night.

Foothigh:Are souls all around us?

Narrator:That would be a yes from where I'm standing.

Vicar: Many are the souls that wander the vast ether of the night unable to past over to the
other side.

Jones: What channel 4?

Vicar: Far beyond the reaches of time and reason...

Foothigh:You don't mean channel 5?

Vicar: Out there in the great voids of space...


Foothigh: I want my mummy

Vicar: And she wants you my son,fear not for the lord is upon us.

Femail Voice: One of his employees was nearly upon me.

Jones: Foothigh drag your arms away from that headstone.
[ SFX.PLOP.PLOP.] and as for you vicar I must as you to
leave this sketch at once for there is much at stake.

Vicar: Yes of course and talking of steaks there is something I
must do before daybreak.Come Lotte.

Lotte:Not this time.


Hi Happy, I enjoyed the start with the interaction with the narrator. I also like the contemporary references (channel 5 etc). There were some really funny lines but IMHO it lacked an actual story to hang the lines on. Saying that, if the characters were more defined I could see this being enjoyable to listen to.

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