British Comedy Guide

I am me Page 3

Monkeybeard, is that a German name?

It comes from the latin monkus beardus

To mean, "woman with the beard of a monkey". Yes?

Well, Aaron is right in the sense that according to my thesaurus of things to see before you go colourblind, 'Monkeybeard' or 'Monkwoman', derives from the Welsh word 'piratte' which, as I'm sure everyone knows, is not what it seems. Or is it?


Quote: Aaron @ October 14, 2007, 11:22 AM

To mean, "woman with the beard of a monkey". Yes?


It means a monkey....with a beard. So he calls his beard a monkeybeard.

It's my name because I named my first band after said monkeys beard and now I use it as my name.

Of course it's not my real name, that would be silly!

My real name is Horsewhiskers

Laughing out loud

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