David Carmon
Saturday 16th January 2010 9:28pm
2,030 posts
Quote: Nil Putters @ January 16 2010, 4:08 PM GMT
I'll stick to The History Channel (or God forbid, books
) for my history lessons. 
Rock and Chips is the title, and I have a feeling it'll be surprising good.
I didnt mean I watched it for a history lesson, just that it could be a bit like one with all the historical bits and that I learnt alot from it that I wouldnt have got from other shows of it's kind.
Primarily I watched it to be entertained and to laugh, which I did alot, but alot of the stuff sank in without me even realising it until people would mention something and I would remember a random fact that I had heard and seem intelligent 
Bit like a subliminal message really.
Its a good feat to be able to entertain, amuse and educate all at the same time.
Rock and Chips......hmmmmmmm......
I still don't understand the title, bit daft and unimaginitive really, bit lazy.
As long as the scripts are good then it should be a good laugh, the cast are all good enough to pull it off