Can't find a 'complete indifference' smiley.
I read the news today oh boy! Page 74
Quote: Gavin @ January 18 2010, 9:34 AM GMT
Quote: DaButt @ January 18 2010, 10:39 AM GMTIdiot.
Amazing they find him but the Christmas bomber got through. Like I say, it's all a fit up.
Quote: Gavin @ January 18 2010, 10:46 AM GMTAmazing they find him but the Christmas bomber got through.
Completely different circumstances, but I'd reckon he got caught because the bomber got through.
Quote: DaButt @ January 18 2010, 10:39 AM GMTIdiot.
Quote: DaButt @ January 18 2010, 10:57 AM GMTCompletely different circumstances, but I'd reckon he got caught because the bomber got through.
Not really that different.
Britain is a pathetic panic nation.
Mmmm picnic...
Quote: sootyj @ January 14 2010, 10:45 PM GMTAnd read about yet another guy accused of fiddling his taxes who got 3 years. Ok he should be punished but make him do taxes for charities for 10 years or wipe old peoples bums or dig holes for 10 years. Something useful, he's not going to run off or stab some one.
Our government is so rigidly fixed on locking up none violent offenders and giving violent scrotes endless second chances. I know 10 years in prison won't stop that bleach tossing wank stain commiting more crime. But at least it gives society a well earned break from him.
Couldn't agree more. The whole system is out of whack. I should be PM and I'll put everything right.
Quote: Rob H @ January 14 2010, 10:46 PM GMTWhat, like this week's story about mothballed Chinooks being released after 8 years because of wrong software? Surely not!!
Such a depressing tale.
Quote: Gavin @ January 18 2010, 9:34 AM GMT
Big Brother is watching.
What the hell is wrong with this country? FFS.
"Do you understand why this is happening?"
Yeah, because the police are f**king morons, wasting tax payers' cash.
President Obama gets an unpleasant gift on the eve of the first anniversary of his inauguration: a Republican ran away with the late Ted Kennedy's seat in the Senate, one that he'd held for more than 50 years. It's been more than 35 years since a Republican won a senate race in Massachusetts, a state where Democrats hold the governorship, the Senate and the House.
This puts a big question mark on Obama's health care bill and almost guarantees that he'll have to slide a little to the right if he wants his party to survive the 2010 elections.
Quote: DaButt @ January 20 2010, 2:44 AM GMTPresident Obama gets an unpleasant gift on the eve of the first anniversary of his inauguration: a Republican ran away with the late Ted Kennedy's seat in the Senate, one that he'd held for more than 50 years. It's been more than 35 years since a Republican won a senate race in Massachusetts, a state where Democrats hold the governorship, the Senate and the House.
This puts a big question mark on Obama's health care bill and almost guarantees that he'll have to slide a little to the right if he wants his party to survive the 2010 elections.
You mean even more rightwing? (by European standards)
That or catch what ever disease it was Micheal Jackson had.
"Who won the bloody war anyway?!"
"The advertisement for the website was played on the radio"

In case we didn't know what one looked like?
Didn't spot that.
Fury as baby 'smokes' fag
Times are changing. When I was a very small child, candy cigarettes were all the rage.