British Comedy Guide

Things you never want to hear your Dr say

Well you weren't using it anyway.

Find some one with one right leg and you've saved 50% on shoes.

Sounds like the reindeer that came after Cupid you must be able to guess this one.

No it's not an organ donor card. With what you've got we want to pickle you for future generations.

Do you like babies? Because you're going to be changing loads of're own.

Do you you have a very good friend, with a very long finger?

wasn't I wearing a watch before I examined your prostate?


Quote: sootyj @ January 15 2010, 1:35 PM GMT

Do you you have a very good friend, with a very long finger?

My favourite Laughing out loud

Donna Noble!
You're back! and you've brought Captain Jack with you.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ January 15 2010, 1:55 PM GMT

Donna Noble!
You're back! and you've brought Captain Jack with you.

And Russell T Davies.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ January 15 2010, 1:55 PM GMT

Donna Noble!
You're back! and you've brought Captain Jack with you.

Oh very clever.

But may I add? I'm so, so, sorry.

Ok, that's your prostate all pop on one of those gloves and check mine.

Open wide please ...wider..wider...oh not quite that wide...ok now kneel down and close your eyes

Now if I just..... push that in....... oh, oh dear god.... <push intercom>Nurse can you come in here...... yes I've done it again

But to keep on a theme...
"no its an anal Sonic probe, its a little spikey and is always followed by some little twat called tails!"

"Stay home, take complete rest, and paint a red cross on your front door."

"Of course there are lots of things we haven't tried yet. Have you thought about faith healing?"

"It depends what you mean by 'struck off'…"

"They all said I was mad – but my creation lives!"

"On the bright side you should still be able to find your way around by sense of smell."

"Dr.Shipman? The man taught me all I know!"

"You're going to laugh when I tell you this…"

Or one Spike Milligan claimed to have heard at an army medical parade, said to a less than well-endowed private:

"Can you pass water through that? Well I wouldn't try using it for anything else."

Might I reccomend a refreshing holiday in Haiti

Well now what's he going to piss out of?

Hi I'm Tim Walker is that your avatr?

Or the classic:

"No nurse, I said prick his boil!"

'You're constipated? Hmmm, I'll try out the Stonewall manoeuvre and sure, I'll give you a reacharound to ease the pain.'

'My brother's an undertaker, I can get you a good discount.'

Okay if you'd like to go behind the screen and slip your clothes off... I'll just put on some Barry White, shall I?

I'm not sure what it is, but would you mind if I took a picture.

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