•('COCKNEY GEEZER') I've got no objection to these ex-cons getting their cabbie licences, really. I mean, I wouldn't have got the job otherwise. [SOUND OF LOCKING CAR DOORS] Now where d'ya wanna go, love?
•(IRATE OLD WOMAN) All this fuss about the bloody snow. I think it's best to take it all with a pinch of salt. Well, I would but it's all bloody gone!
•('WIDEBOY') I've made a mint from clearing people's drives, so I hope it keeps snowing and like the saying goes 'there's no business like snow business'.
•(YOUNG WOMAN) Well, he's no Wogan, is he? But you'd never have guessed he was a ginger from his voice!
•('CHAVVY GIRL') Yeah, I heard, right, that David Tennant offered to help Gordon Brown, but he turned him down cos he didn't have the Tardis anymore. So now Brown's trying to get hold of Michael J Fox to see if he's still got the Delorean.
•(MAN) If I was in that situation, I'd have done exactly the same thing. Myleene Klass without any make-up on, of course I'd have run away.
•('CHAVVY WOMAN') I always make sure my Chardonnay's got the right nutrients in 'er lunchbox, 'am shaped like a Teddy bear, protein; crisps, that's 'er carbs and a bag of 'aribo, that's 'er fruit. [PAUSE] What about vegetables? She's not a freak!
My dross from week 2. Congrats to those who get stuff on (Elise saw you might get something on, fingers crossed and well done!)