British Comedy Guide

I need motivation gosh darn it. Page 4

Quote: Empty @ January 13 2010, 2:56 PM GMT

Or just go to a pub. Works for me.


Actually thinking about it, I also find just literally... doing it helps. If I force myself to write whatever rubbish comes out of my head, and push through the agony, somehow something begins to flow and clicks into place. Fake it until you make it I guess. In fact with that in mind I am going to go and do some mind mapping. Oh yes, you heard me right, mind mapping galore.

I've got in the habit of trying to think of something ridiculous that my mother has said in the past while in one of her "enlightened" moments. When I get completely stumped for ideas, I think of some garbagey thing my mom has said and within minutes I can't write fast enough.

No, my mother doesn't have dementia, she's just naturally mean and clueless when it comes to all things she has no interest in.

Yeah thinking of things that make you angry is a good starting point; just let your rage pour forth - the more petty and silly the better. This is pretty good for writing stand-up material.

Quote: Rebecca Ridsdale @ January 13 2010, 3:06 PM GMT

I also find just literally... doing it helps. If I force myself to write whatever rubbish comes out of my head, and push through the agony, somehow something begins to flow and clicks into place.

Yep, it's a little Pavlovian but it helps to put yourself into the place to write, before you can write.

Over the Christmas holiday, my mom made a point of trying to make me look bad in front of all our family, by saying "How can she be a writer? She never writes me letters or anything. And she's not all that funny. She doesn't make me laugh!" This is now one of my best sketches, by the way. You see, everybody hates my mom and were all rolling their eyes and making faces when she wasn't looking. Writing isn't considered a profession in her opinion. I don't know where she thinks everything on TV and in books comes from...very sad indeed.

Quote: Rebecca Ridsdale @ January 13 2010, 3:06 PM GMT

Actually thinking about it, I also find just literally... doing it helps. If I force myself to write whatever rubbish comes out of my head, and push through the agony, somehow something begins to flow and clicks into place. Fake it until you make it I guess. In fact with that in mind I am going to go and do some mind mapping. Oh yes, you heard me right, mind mapping galore.

Yep, me too. Write all the time. A good percentage will be rubbish, but editing and rewriting is my favourite thing. I always say that I would rather clean the oven - when I do, I write in my head. When I don't, all I can think about is cleaning the oven!!!

Mind-mapping? I'm offended. Surely, such anachronistic, offensive terms should have be outlawed long ago...


Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 12 2010, 3:30 PM GMT

I was recently told referring to someone as oriental was offensive. Is that offensive? Is that now a racial slur and no one had told me? Or was the person who said it a nutter?

Last night I saw a stand up who referred to herself as Oriental! It's not bad, I knew it!

That one that paints her skin yellow and uses fishing wire to pull her eyelids back?


Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 13 2010, 4:39 PM GMT

Last night I saw a stand up who referred to herself as Oriental! It's not bad, I knew it!

I think it's like the 'n' word and poof. It's okay to call yourself that - if you are - but not PC for general use. Or something like that.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 12 2010, 3:30 PM GMT

I was recently told referring to someone as oriental was offensive. Is that offensive? Is that now a racial slur and no one had told me? Or was the person who said it a nutter?

No but calling someone a nutter is you mentalist.

Quote: sootyj @ January 13 2010, 4:42 PM GMT

No but calling someone a nutter is you mentalist.

It was a callback to something people earlier had posted about, which had then brought to mind the oriental bit in the first place.

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ January 13 2010, 4:42 PM GMT

I think it's like the 'n' word and poof. It's okay to call yourself that - if you are - but not PC for general use. Or something like that.

Not the way she said it though, she just said 'I obviously have an oriental background', or something like that. (She was actually Canadian) I dunno, I just find the idea that it's bad somehow to say that weird, it's hardly derogatory. Anyway.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 13 2010, 4:48 PM GMT

Not the way she said it though, she just said 'I obviously have an oriental background', or something like that. (She was actually Canadian) I dunno, I just find the idea that it's bad somehow to say that weird, it's hardly derogatory. Anyway.

No, I don't get it either. Can anyone enlighten us on this one? I get confused when Americans, etc use the term 'Asian' to mean someone or something from China, Japan, etc when we use it here for India, Pakistan, etc.

And is 'nutter' really considered a bad term? I don't mean for someone with mental health problems, but just someone doing something crazy or odd.

Quote: AndreaLynne @ January 13 2010, 3:18 PM GMT

Over the Christmas holiday, my mom made a point of trying to make me look bad in front of all our family, by saying "How can she be a writer? She never writes me letters or anything. And she's not all that funny. She doesn't make me laugh!" This is now one of my best sketches, by the way. You see, everybody hates my mom and were all rolling their eyes and making faces when she wasn't looking. Writing isn't considered a profession in her opinion. I don't know where she thinks everything on TV and in books comes from...very sad indeed.

:( Sorry to hear. But keep going. Adversity is there to prove to yourself you are a writer.

My father was / is like that but I love him to bits and all I do is a subconscious attempt to make him proud. Though how I think dressing up as a gimp will do the trick, I don't know.

You can't divorce your family, but you can shoot them... in 46 states.

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ January 13 2010, 5:09 PM GMT

I get confused when Americans use the term 'Asian' to mean China, Japan, etc when we use it here for India, Pakistan, etc.

Is it to do with the varying population distributions of Asians in the US and the UK plus the relative closeness of those nations to different parts of Asia? China / Japan is the closest part of Asia to the US and forms opposing sides to the Pacific Rim. Pakistan and India are closer to us. Maybe not in as-the-crow-flies but at least in a colonial and historical context. Most Victorian Brits experience of Asia was drinking IPA in a barracks in Kashmir.

Plus I think the Chinese diaspora is, if not more concentrated in the US as compared to the UK, more visible in the USA with their chinatowns.

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