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Quote: Chappers @ January 8 2010, 11:34 PM GMT

She's gorgeous - but the question is how old when she lost her virginity.

She didn't lose it - it went to the highest bidder.

What happened to Swine 'flu ?


Quote: zooo @ January 8 2010, 11:18 PM GMT

Not wanting to be... reactionary(?), but are there many teen pregnancies in the upper or middle classes? I don't think there are many. It's poor, uneducated kids that seem to get into that kind of situation.

I've said it before, but Aaron's rubbing off on you.

Quote: Oldrocker @ January 9 2010, 1:46 AM GMT

What happened to Swine 'flu ?


We all died instantly from it remember?

Quote: Chappers @ January 8 2010, 11:34 PM GMT

She's gorgeous - but the question is how old when she lost her virginity.

What about allegedly having an affair with her terminally ill husband's best friend?

The age at which someone loses their virginity isn't the grounds on which someone is a 'slapper' or not. Would you call her that still if she married the boy she lost her virginity with and they'd been together ever since?

Teenage pregnancies (which in itself is an odd term - it was only recently that women stopped traditionally getting married as teenagers and starting a family) and sexual promiscuity in the UK has nothing to do sex education in schools (which incidently does start at primary school and has done for quite some time now).

Teen pregnancy is about IQ though. Those afflicted are from the lower levels of the gene pool.

Quote: chipolata @ January 9 2010, 11:48 AM GMT

Teen pregnancy is about IQ though. Those afflicted are from the lower levels of the gene pool.

But it's only recently society has come to frown on teenagers starting families. Physically it's the best time for women to reproduce.

It's not in societies best interest when ill educated morally vacuous teenagers solely dependant on welfare start popping out baby after baby.

It's not in societies best interest when ill educated morally vacuous teenagers solely dependant on welfare start popping out baby after baby.

Quote: Dolly Dagger @ January 9 2010, 11:52 AM GMT

But it's only recently society has come to frown on teenagers starting families. Physically it's the best time for women to reproduce.

My mother was a teen mother but she was married with a house and a husband with a well paid job.

Chip on the other hand makes a point that most teen mother now are slags who "Can't be arsed to use a condom" and decide to take every penny they can off the state.

I agree with most points.

I was educated about sex in school and was given talks by my Mum (which meant I could talk to her about everything) and when I got my first serious boyfriend at 15 we went to the doctors together, I went on the pill and had safe sex.

Not so many people are that lucky as to have that support, but I do think a lot of these teenagers' ridiculous thoughts on "have a baby, get a free flat" is down to being poorly brought up.

None of my friends have unwanted children and I'd say average lost their virginity about 15 to boyfriends.

There is none/ or little corolation in my opinion about loss of virginity and being a slapper.

Or if someone wants to call me a slapper for losing my virginty before I was 16... bring it on. ;)

Slapper. :P

For you baby... anything. ;)

Ah sweet my avatar finally changed :D

Just for your delictation we have a little talk to year 6 pupils- girls only (10 and 11 year olds) taken by two of the female members of staff about life the universe and everything and the general rule of thumb is that for careers most of them want to have babies and live with mum. I teach on a large council estate.

Quote: roscoff @ January 10 2010, 4:50 PM GMT

Just for your delictation we have a little talk to year 6 pupils- girls only (10 and 11 year olds) taken by two of the female members of staff about life the universe and everything and the general rule of thumb is that for careers most of them want to have babies and live with mum. I teach on a large council estate.

*Puts head in hands* F**king hell.

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