Tonight when hitting tesco before tae bo with my flatmate, a woman in front of me at the checkout started to unload her shopping when the assistant asked if she would like help with her packing. The woman, having those "bags for life" thingys said "no". The girl, clearly mishearing, started to pack. The woman then started to screech at her "I told you no". The assitant apologised and scanned the next item before the woman snapped at her again screeching at her about how she could have waited until she had unloaded her (not exactly full) trolley. I have previously worked many cruddy jobs in the past where customers speak to you like dirt under their shoes, threaten you, will not clear up after themselves, and try to blag freebies and not caring that it may come out of someone's wage packet. I saw the poor girl was really upset and something in me snapped. I told the woman that the person behind the till was a human being who had been nothing but politeful and trying to help and no matter how many gold cards she had in her purse, she was no better than anyone working there and it still didn't stop her from being a soured old ballsac face. The woman didn't reply, knowing full well that she could say whatever she wanted to the girl as her job prevented her from standing up for herself but I could quite right smack her one. The fact I was also in my Tae Bo workout gear probably made her think for a bit too. She left her stuff on the belt and walked out speechless. After helping the assitant and her shift manager clear it, I not only got a thanks but also a voucher for being so nice to them! Huzzah!
It just goes to show that even in anger, you can do a nice thing for a fellow human being.
Just thought I'd share that heart warmer with you!