I've always wondered why Russell T.Davies constantly ruins Murray Gold's subtle musical arrangements with his incessant dialogue?
Doctor Who... Page 375
Quote: chipolata @ January 3 2010, 4:56 PM GMTTennant's quite cute in a pointy nosed rodenty way.
He paid for that pointy nose so it had better be cute.
Quote: sootyj @ January 3 2010, 5:16 PM GMTRenegade Carpark would make a really good Dr. He truly believe we need to be protected from all aliens (and gypos).
He's too grubby and horrible to be the Doctor. He's more your Harrison Chase car-coated botanist type. I have no trouble picturing him feeding raw meat to a bound Mathew Stott whilst firing up a Marlboro Red.
Quote: Kevin Murphy @ January 3 2010, 4:34 PM GMTI will. I was just giving first impressions.
If you watch Doctor Who Confidential for the last episode, it shows the behind the scenes footage of Smith's first scene. When he sees the camera on him, he does this ill-advised cowboy shooting the camera thing, which, for me, turned him from unknown quantity to instant twat.
I loved it when he did that! Certainly made me smile. Matt Smith is a great bloke and is one of the last people on the planet that would fit into the "twat" category. My mate used to live round the corner from him in Northampton and has always described him as "very down to Earth" (let's hope his Doctor isn't completely "down to Earth" in a literal sense, he can go anywhere in time and space yet he seems to choose modern day Cardiff or London most of the time!).
Thought the finale was utterly heart breaking. Wasn't convinced by the first scene of Matt in action but then again he's going through regenerative trauma so he's bound to be acting odd. How great does the Series Five trailer look though? Karen Gillan!
But yeah, Matt will be great.

I prefer these new low tec Daleks.
Quote: Joey Moose @ January 4 2010, 3:46 PM GMTHow great does the Series Five trailer look though?
It's a really great trailer, I've watched it far too many times already. Even the 'The End' and so on words that come up look fresh and snazzy.
Quote: Joey Moose @ January 4 2010, 3:46 PM GMTThought the finale was utterly heart breaking.
I don't want a broken heart, I want sci-fi.
Quote: Nogget @ January 4 2010, 4:30 PM GMTI don't want a broken heart, I want sci-fi.
A wee bit narrowminded to think you can't have both. Battlestar Gallactica (The new version) had some great emotional moments.
I take your point, Stotty, but I too would like a bit more hard SF in Doctor Who.
Quote: chipolata @ January 4 2010, 4:38 PM GMTI take your point, Stotty, but I too would like a bit more hard SF in Doctor Who.
I can't say I really think of Who as being a 'hard Sci-fi' show. Though no doubt you'll get a touch more of that under Moffatt. If it went too far that way, I've no doubt a lot of people would start switching off; it's the emotional aspect that's helped to capture such a wide audience.
Quote: Matthew Stott @ January 4 2010, 4:40 PM GMTI can't say I really think of Who as being a 'hard Sci-fi' show. Though no doubt you'll get a touch more of that under Moffatt. If it went too far that way, I've no doubt a lot of people would start switching off; it's the emotional aspect that's helped to capture such a wide audience.
Not necessarily. Star Trek is very much a hard SF show that managed to do character and warmth and emotion brilliantly. That was pretty popular too as I recall.
Quote: chipolata @ January 4 2010, 4:44 PM GMTNot necessarily. Star Trek is very much a hard SF show that managed to do character and warmth and emotion brilliantly. That was pretty popular too as I recall.
I don't myself recall the warm emotional Trek you're speaking of, but I'll take your word for it! Anyway, I doubt Trek would pick up ten million viewers on BBC1, as it wouldn't appeal quite so across the board as Who seems to at the moment.
Well Matt, you can never be accused of being less then loyal to the Doctor, even if you do sound like a victim of gay spousal abuse.
All your friends are going 'leave him Matty, he's a twat and his plotlines don't make sense'.
And your all 'no, can't you see, he's changed, he's regenerated, it's all going to be different now'.
And we're all like 'when will you ever learn? Sure, every now and then, when he's not been gurning, he can have a decent episode, but most of the time, he just makes promises and lets you down'.
Then you come back with 'don't say that, I love him, all you can see are his faults, if you got to know him like me, you'd realise just how fantastic he is'
Finally we're like 'alright, we tried to warn you, don't come crying to us when he starts insulting your intelligence again'.
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ January 4 2010, 4:58 PM GMTWell Matt, you can never be accused of being less then loyal to the Doctor,
It's not being loyal, it's just liking the show, and not going off on a mental one when I see something I don't like, or a shit episode rears its head. I know we're geeks, but surely we don't have to all conform quite so closely to every aspect of the cliche?
Having said that, and just to prove I'm not just a deluded, RTD licking tool; take a look at what I said about the Crimbo episode! I can throw poo too!
Quote: Matthew Stott @ December 25 2009, 8:05 PM GMTIt was, well; it wasn't very good, was it. Overall. Some lovely little creepy bits, then just so much silliness. The green aliens. Puh. I know it's for kids too, but come on, they were so horribly jarring. What did the Obama bits have to do with anything? And the ending, with everyone turning into the Master, just made me sort of squirm. It was such a scatter of bits, not at all a satisfying hour in its own right; here's hoping Tennants final hour gives him the send off he deserves. I wasn't completely dissapointed, but this is the Tenth Doctors final story, it should be better!!