Tuesday 29th December 2009 10:36pm [Edited]
14,763 posts
Quote: Aaron @ December 29 2009, 4:34 PM GMT
Nothing we can do about it. We don't employ a Swiss-style system where every tiny decision needs a referendum.
You're f**ked if you can't count on your elected officials to enact the laws that the public wants. Very few states offered concealed-carry licenses for handguns 20 years ago, but people pressured their representatives with facts (licensed gun owners almost never commit gun crimes) and many (most?) states now allow concealed carry with the proper permit.
With respect to the recent case, there's a big difference between defending yourself in your own home and chasing someone up the length of the street before almost beating them to death with a cricket bat.
As I said, the article I read didn't mention that part of the story. I have a feeling that a U.S. judge/jury would have handed out a much more lenient punishment (or maybe none at all) while ensuring that the burglar's punishment was more severe.
Equip police with tasers, but those who carry them should be shot with one themselves, once every 3 or 4 months, to remind them that it's not just a simple disarming tool.
I don't know if they are required to be re-Tased, but cops in the U.S. are shot as part of their training.
Very similar situation here. 9 times out of 10, the victim of a murder around London is black, and again 9 times of those will have the victim and/or perpetrators involved in gangs in some way. It's a whole section of culture and society that should be eradicated.
I hate to even mention the race thing, but I'm just pointing out that owning guns doesn't turn Americans into murderers. A certain criminal segment of American society (gang members, drug users/dealers and inner-city hustlers) have decided that guns are the way to solve their arguments and the average American who avoids those people and lifestyles is almost completely isolated from gun crime.
I do agree. But what if there's a storm and they all develop strange supernatural abilities?