Saturday 26th December 2009 8:19pm
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ December 26 2009, 2:46 PM GMT
And there you have it. I've been saying the exact same thing about VW being rubbish for my entire time on this forum and had to put up with constant rebukes from the Vic Wood fans.
I didn't see her 'long awaited' Christmas Eve special, but by all accounts, it was the same old shit she's been trotting out for years - the same shit which VW fans have been saying was brilliantly crafted.
So make up your minds fickle heads - either this was great (like everything else VW has ever made ever) or it was shit.
*RC sits back in his throne made of 'I told you so's' wearing his 'right as usual' crown*
Well, no.
Most people are saying that this was below standard. Not that she was never good. So you're still wrong.
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ December 26 2009, 2:53 PM GMT
Then again, you and Aaron seem to have something positive to say about every piece of old tat that's been on this Christmas, usually 'I only saw bits of it, but the bits I did see made me laugh, well not laugh out loud, but you know, it was good, even if it wasn't funny or entertaining in any way'.
Perhaps we're just not joyless bastards who switch off if we've not been left rolling on the floor within 3 minutes.
The Best Of The Impressions Show With Culshaw & Stephenson was pretty f**king dire BTW.