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Question for any people on the dole

I was just wondering, if you're on the dole, and you tell them you're a writer, do you get any special treatment? Do they still force you into going for interviews, if you tell them you're halfway through writing a script, and are working on it every day?

Well... I guess then you'd be self employed. They'd probably do you for benefit fraud... In fact... What's your postcode. Out of interest, of course ;)

I told them I was writing, he said, keep it up.


I'm terrible ashamed to be signing on by the way and I don't give myself an easy time about it.

No they never do..

A good flogging is in order, of course.. ;)

If you are being paid for your writing you should declare it, or be prepared to face the consequences.. If you're unpaid then that is not classed as working but when your sitcom comes in to the big money, you'll need to pay tax as a self employed person or additional tax if you have got off your lazy arse and got a job by then.. (whoops sorry, not wanting to be judge, jury and hangman, but..)

The dole is really a place for those who genuinely cannot find work.. (that's right, almost none of the bloody scroungers on there right now..) but if you genuinely can't find work then I'm all for a dole payment for your services breaking boulders, clearing up scrubland, scraping chewing gum off the streets, etc. while being peridocally flogged, of course..

Not that I have any strong views one way or the other.. :)

Laughing out loud

I should've made it clear, I'm not on the dole. The last time I was on it was the late 90s.

Have you ever seen those places??

If you told them you were a writer of any kind they'd mark you down as 'literate' which means 'over-qualified' which means immediate SUSPENSION

It's best to tell 'em you're stupid that way they carry on paying you and never send you out for those lousy job interviews.

IMO, take whatever money is thrown at you & hide it in a secret place. Fook the government. They stitch you up left right & centre. Of course pay taxes on your main income, other than that, spend it & enjoy it. The day they stop hitting us with endless taxes, council, inheritance, income, yardey yarder is the day to reveal all. Fook em. I tell you if I get any money for writing I AM KEEPING IT ALL. If they want some, they can come & get it from my clenched fist. It disgust me that my taxes go towards a war that I think is wrong. I am paying for this war to continue. I want a say in where my taxes go. The guys fighting for the government have to pay taxes for doing so.

Quote: Charley @ October 11, 2007, 1:43 PM

IMO, take whatever money is thrown at you & hide it in a secret place. Fook the government. They stitch you up left right & centre. Of course pay taxes on your main income, other than that, spend it & enjoy it. The day they stop hitting us with endless taxes, council, inheritance, income, yardey yarder is the day to reveal all. Fook em. I tell you if I get any money for writing I AM KEEPING IT ALL. If they want some, they can come & get it from my clenched fist. It disgust me that my taxes go towards a war that I think is wrong. I am paying for this war to continue. I want a say in where my taxes go. The guys fighting for the government have to pay taxes for doing so.

LOL, so you are for taking money from the government in benefits but against the high taxes? You are aware that they are related and the more people on benefit the more taxes we have to pay?

I agree that the government take far too much of our money, but they always have here.

I don't mind them taking money - until I have to pay taxes - but I do mind them wasting so much on the military.

Quote: Charley @ October 11, 2007, 1:43 PM

IMO, take whatever money is thrown at you & hide it in a secret place. Fook the government. They stitch you up left right & centre. Of course pay taxes on your main income, other than that, spend it & enjoy it. The day they stop hitting us with endless taxes, council, inheritance, income, yardey yarder is the day to reveal all. Fook em. I tell you if I get any money for writing I AM KEEPING IT ALL. If they want some, they can come & get it from my clenched fist. It disgust me that my taxes go towards a war that I think is wrong. I am paying for this war to continue. I want a say in where my taxes go. The guys fighting for the government have to pay taxes for doing so.

I agree that the government wastes money. They waste a huge ammount on paying benfits to 8 million people, many of whom are scroungers. I say stop paying money to scroungers on the dole or on the sick! I do agree though that our armed forces should NOT be paying tax when on active service. That is an outrage!

It's also an outrage that people who can work, won't work because they think an 'ordinary job' is beneath them. After all, they've got a degree.. ( being a twat mostly..)

Get behind that counter and serve those burgers, you twats! I'll have a crocodile burger and.. ;)

I am all for truly deserving cases receiving benefits. :)

Unfortunately, our Governments (both red and blue) are almost totally incapable of managing civil servants to do a proper job, except the department that looks after MP's benefits and pensions, of course! ;)

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