James Cotter
Tuesday 22nd December 2009 1:16am
Exeter, Devon
1,594 posts
Quote: Badge @ December 21 2009, 8:07 PM GMT
I like the Bowie song and your credits look and sound very good. But unfortunately they look and sound almost identical in style to The Office and Extras. That's the problem, James. You have a commendable spirit but in my opinion you are putting your energies into copyist pieces. I'd like to see you try something that is deliberately unlike Gervais or Coogan, as that might give you a chance of coming out the other end with something that is still influenced by them but not so identifiably.
Thank you for saying you like the theme song and credits. I don't think there that similar to The Office or Extras even if they are that is because that style is a great style.
I have done things which aren't Gervais or Coogan esc.
Quote: Leevil @ December 21 2009, 8:10 PM GMT
Why not request a sketch from the members on here, or whatever other forums you might visit (you whore) or post a submission thing on your website.
Ok why not. Who wants to write a sketch I can perform in?
(Which isn't Gervais or Coogan esc)