I was thinking earlier about what I consider to be one of the great mysteries of the universe - how little things, insults, silly songs etc, manage to find popularity in every schoolyard across the country, spreading in some inexplicable way, despite many of these schools being miles apart and completely unconnected. How the hell does this happen? And somehow it always has - even way before mobiles and the net etc.
Anyway, this got me thinking about some of the things we used to say as kiddy winkles. Three things came immediately to mind. First, I can remember when kids where going around asking other kids 'if they were born with 'appiness?', and the victims (read 'me' ) shaking their heads and looking confused, only to be laughed and pointed at, because they'd actually said 'a penis', not 'happiness'. Then there was a period of people getting their foreheads slapped to a cry of 'Tefal', which was another funny one! I'm sure there will be people here who will remember this. And last, I was thinking about a song, sung to the tune of In The Jungle or whatever it's called, that went:
'In the jungle, Geoffrey and Bungle,
sat drinking a bottle of gin,
In came Zippy, a bit of a dippy,
So Bungle kicked 'im in.'
I never found that song funny at all, but it made me chuckle just when I was thinking about it.
So what do you remember from childhood? What insults/songs/jokes or whatever where popular at some time in your schooling life? I'd also be interested to see how many other people, from completely different parts of the country, recongise the same things.