Saturday 2nd January 2010 7:12am
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
Quote: Katie Coe @ December 13 2009, 4:06 PM GMT

I thought that Tim posted a damn fair, balanced and generally un-biased assessment in answer to your question.
Quote: Bambi1989 @ December 13 2009, 5:13 PM GMT
Did anybody else feel embarrassed by Jonathan Ross' poor quality of jokes.
Always. Always.
Quote: Katie Coe @ December 14 2009, 11:25 PM GMT
Yes but Dr Walker, Dr walker, Dr walker, Dr walker, Dr walker just does'nt...
Remember, the apostrophe replaces the missing LETTER(s), not the missing space.
And those 4 'walker's should be capitalised, missy.
Quote: Katie Coe @ December 14 2009, 11:44 PM GMT
(I'm in cahoots with gordan brown. But shhh...Don't tell anyone)
And please capitalise and correctly spell other peoples' names too!
Gordon Brown*