James Cotter
Monday 21st December 2009 6:27pm
Exeter, Devon
1,594 posts
Quote: Kenneth @ December 21 2009, 12:31 PM GMT
The Bowie tune is the icing on the Cotter cake. You're now a recognizable face (at least to me), so that no matter what you do, I'll watch and enjoy. A bit like when The Pixies released Bam Thwok - sure it wasn't a particularly brilliant record, but it was The Pixies, so therefore - and depsite any absence of merit - it was great. That's a rather clumsy and misleading comparison, as Jeremy Spicer is way better than Back To Class, in my opinion.
Thanks for liking Bowie, I think.
I am glad I am now a estiblashed recognsizned face (with you).
I am glad you liked the show too 
Quote: Marc P @ December 21 2009, 12:33 PM GMT
James, you have essentially written a monologue but have confused it with phone calls and etc. It should probably be one thing or the other. Monolugues work best when the character is not self aware and gradually over the course of the piece the narrative is revealed. It should therefore have a narrative structure which yours doesn;t really, if you think about it we know everything there is to know about your character within a very short space of time and we don't go anywhere else with him. We know all we need to know in a way from reading the description. Have alook at shaping a story, the building blocks are reveals and surprises and relevations and a resoultion at the end. I hate the cliche but I will use it anyway - you need to take your audience on a voyage of discovery with your character, it's not a pen portrait - it's a story after all.
Well it's always my down for trying to do two genres in one. In Harris & Doyle it was all going to be set in the car with just Harris & Doyle talking but after taking on some advice that it might be a tad boring for people who don't like that style I inter-crossed it with some action sequences same here but with the action sequences.
Originally it was all going to be set while he was on air and we were going to have callers and him reacting badly to them but realised that this was Down the Line so at the last minute I included these monologue sequence which I love to perform and write and sliced them in between the on air sequences.
My next project is pure monologue for radio with a actor playing the lead role so all of the feedback you have given should be answered with this. Thanks because you are right.
Quote: Ronnie Anderson @ December 21 2009, 1:04 PM GMT
At the moment I agree about you needing good writers, but it is slightly defeatest of you as you will improve over time if you work at it.
I always thought you were a good performer and I think if you wanted to play a role that 'works' now you should play a version of yourself. Otherwise unless you have a brilliant make up department the whole piece will be ruined by you being too young for the role you are playing.
I am still going to write. Something's with out me in and when I do work with writers I will still write there but I won't be the sole writer all the time so I am not being defeatist at all just trying to find the best way of working.
Thanks for saying I am a good performer but I think Jeremy is pretty close to being like me so I couldn't get any closer really.