Saturday 19th December 2009 9:24pm
36,464 posts
Quote: roscoff @ December 19 2009, 4:10 PM GMT
I'm guzited 'cos I'm off to Berlin tomorrow! I won't be on here for a few days
I know you'll miss me, I can hardly bear to go. I mean with little Aaron having to huddle close to his DVD collection to keep warm and I won't be here to give him a reassuring
That's it I'm not going. Bugger the wasted money. I'm coming Aaron I'm coming!
(Do you think that was a little over the top
I'm sure zooo mentioned she's going to Germany, and Aaron mentioned the Eurostar? So you may be in luck? 
Quote: bigfella @ December 19 2009, 4:21 PM GMT
Just tried to drive and almost ended up in a ditch.
Soon abandoned that idea. Only problem is no food.
Which doesn't really bother me, but child is not happy.
It will be bizzare food combo time - tomato soup and boiled potatoes.
rice and tinned sweetcorn. Nice.
Same here
F**king Iceland's ad is making me jealous!