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(DAVID is standing on the precipice of the school roof, with his feet just touching the edge. He glances over at the ground, and breathes heavily.)
DAVIDTo himself) Alright David, this is it. The big one. (Pauses) Well, you’ve had a good run. No – actually – you had a crap run. An awful run. If you had had a good run you wouldn’t be on the roof of the school, ready to jump. (Pauses) Oh, come on, keep it together. You’ve only got about (Looks at watch) ten minutes to go until you have Biology. Wait – I won’t have Biology. I’ll be dead. What’s the point in teaching Biology to the dead? Oh God. Alright count to three, then you jump. One. Two. Thr-
(DAVID is interrupted by a bang from behind him as JOSH opens the roof door. He is startled, and narrowly misses falling off. He breathes heavily.)
JOSH:Hey! What you doing out here it’s freezing! Come on, we managed to bust into the chapel safe and get the wine and crackers. (He pulls out a small silver box from his pocket and offers it to DAVID) Jesus?
DAVID: I’m not coming in.
JOSH:Why not?
DAVID:‘Cause I’m killing myself.
JOSH:Killing yourself? (Pauses, as if thinking) That’s a bit of a downer isn’t it?
DAVID:What, killing myself? Well, yes I should expect it to be. I’m being a martyr.
JOSH:You’re being a di-
DAVIDInterrupting) Look, I want to be alone. Go away Josh.
JOSH:Fine! (Bends down to leave) I assume you’re not going to be in Biology?
DAVID:Well, duh.
JOSH:What should I tell Mr. Porter then?
DAVID:Tell him I’m dead.
JOSH:I always do. (Eats a cracker) Yuck! These are disgusting! Here, you have ‘em.
(JOSH gives the box to DAVID and climbs down the roof door.)
DAVIDTo self) Sacrilegious git. (Puts the box down beside him on the roof ledge.) Oh Christ. (To the box) Sorry mate. (pauses) I can’t believe this is really the end. One step and (clicks) it’s gone. I guess I’ve had my small impact on the world. Now it’s time to have a bigger impact on the pavement. Count to three. One. Two. Thr-
All I've got so far