Tuesday 15th December 2009 7:43pm
22,778 posts
1. Digital Camcorder ( even I can work that out )
But do I need a microphone for the person to wear to better catch the audio?
You Don't need one but built in mics sound a bit naff.
2. Editing software? What is good, what is bad? What is useful for a tecno simpleton?
Editing wise, Can't go wrong with Sony Vegas. Alternatively I'm sure there are Ulead or Windows movie maker that can do the job.
3. Are normal CD-R's DVD's? ( Christ, I'm only realising how stupid I am)
No the are different.
And if this person didn't have much acting experiance, is therewhere they could go - or get some tips from an acting sort?
Do shit loads of takes, until they are comfortable infront of camera and don't have the rabbit in headlights look.
Give us a PM if you need any info dude 
Quote: Kevin Murphy @ December 15 2009, 2:29 PM GMT
You'll get better quality audio if you do.
No. DVDs have a much larger capacity. Look at the label on your DVD drive or player. It will say something like DVD-R or DVD-RW on it. That's what you need. You can get em dirt cheap in supermarkets.
Some camcorders are absolute c**ts if you're trying to transfer the vid from the camera to a computer to edit. Make sure your computer and the camera have the same sockets (like USB, for example) so that you'll be able to transfer it across. I'd steer clear of anything that uses tape, personally.
Quick note, most older DVD players don't play DVD-RW's as I recall.
DV Camera is what you want most computers now have fire wire, most have high speed USB.