Friday 11th December 2009 7:49pm [Edited]
15,786 posts
Quote: Tim Walker @ December 10 2009, 6:12 PM GMT
Firstly, I don't think there is anything snobbish about it whatsoever. These same writers (at least around here) aren't shy of heaping praise on the sitcoms they enjoy - whether they happen to be popular or not. I think Big Top has received such a slating (perhaps notably from writers, perhaps not) because the script for the first episode was beneath the standard most of us amateurs would dare to submit. And Micheal describes Big Top as a narrative comedy - must have missed that - at best it's a collection of bad lines in search of a character, the characters in turn in search of a plot.
Despite being a "snobbish" aspiring writer, I took the time out the other day to talk to one of the Little People - i.e. my barber - about comedy. He thought Big Top was the worst thing he'd seen on telly in a long time. There you go, the Ordinary Joe has spoken.
Oh, and I don't remember BBC One sitcoms The Old Guys, Outnumbered or Not Going Out receiving any massive critical kickings... I wonder why that is?
Much as I love hate to quote myself from a different thread, I don't have a lot more to add to this debate.
I will say that '2ChristianTypists' can't really complain that he meets some resistance when he often (either intentionally or accidentally) patronises aspiring writers, without establishing his true credentials (or lack of). In this respect, Micheal, although we may not always agree with what he says, is recognised as one who speaks from a position of experience. I do think it's a little disingenuous to slag us off on a blog because of some (admittedly) frank, but honest and objective comments made about Big Top, but there you go. We're thick-skinned enough to take it, I'm sure.
And as regards My Family (mentioned in the blog), maybe he should have a word with Robert Lindsay, who has been far more of an outspoken critic about that show than most you'll find on here. My Family is actually a good sitcom to raise. Many of us might not like it, but we don't endlessly slag it off because a) we're aware that it simply might not be to our tastes, b) one can understand how people (especially families, e.g. my kids) might really like it and c) it's MOR comedy, but it generally has some decent scripts and is well produced. It serves an important purpose as a decent, accessible pre-watershed sitcom.
It's unfair to suggest that most of us come on here to post bile and see who can get the biggest laugh out of slagging off a show. Especially as many often go to the trouble of writing well thought-out and objective critiques when a new show airs.
After all, we're looking for more good/great comedy, not less. We're fully aware how difficult it is to get your sitcom made, so when one such as Big Top gets awarded a precious seat at the table, it is going to mystify and frustrate many people - and not just writers. 
(EDIT: Oh, I seem to have said I didn't have much more to add and than waffled on a bit more. Apologies.)