For those who have never seen any of the Jose stuff before, here is a brief summary. Jose was a charecter born out of a single sketch based on an experence I had while studying theatre and performance art, who appeared at 4laughs and became popular among some (crazy and sick) peeps so he developed. He is possibly South Amercian, living in England and the sole menace of the Peterson Family, especailly Mr. Peterson who has the misfortune of being on the recieving end of Jose's well meaning but yet sick and twisted brand of friendship. If you would like to see more of his sketches, please click on the link on my sig. I decide to post his new sketch here as I want feedback and advice from people who may not have seen him before. I will also be posting another one of my charecters, Gwen Holiday, here too as soon as I have ironed out the tweeks. again, for more on both charecters, click on my sig but I would like you to look at this before reading the first sketches if possible.
Thank you.
Mrs Peterson is taking Timmy, all dressed up in his school uniform and glasses, up to the door of Jose’s house.
Timmy: Mummy, do I have to stay with Mr Jose?
Mrs Peterson: I’m sorry darling. I have tried everyone else. I’ll make it up to you later. (She bends down to his level and straightens his collar). Now remember, if he offers you and food or drink, don’t take it and don’t let him smoke those cigars around you.
Timmy: Yes Mummy.
Mrs. Peterson rings the doorbell. Jose opens the door wearing only a pair of shorts, a hat bearing the legend “ FEMALE BODY INSPECTOR”, smoking a large pipe.
Jose: Hey Mrz Petorzen (striking a pose and smiling slyly). Youz just cannot keepz aways from Jose, yez?
Mrs. Peterson: (sighing) Roger and I are so grateful Jose, thank you for doing this. Roger’s mother is at the hospital now. It’s certainly not the place for a young boy to be.
Jose: Relaaaaax! Petorzens are Jose’s family! I treat Timmy like my own bambino or best llama.
Mrs. Peterson: Thank you. (Kisses Timmy) See you soon sweetheart.
Mrs. Peterson starts to walk away. Timmy steps into the house while Jose closes the door.
Jose: So Timmy….how oldz are yous?
Timmy: Seven, sir.
Jose: Ah! Growing up so fast! Twas same age when I first killed my own fresh meat with my bear hands! You will have fun todayz leetle Timmy weeth my ownz children.
Timmy: I didn’t know you had children Mr. Jose.
Jose: Bah! Tiz only twenty something. Juanita could have hadz many morez but she cants due to ze accident she hadz carryin the bull to market. 20 milez on her backz! Some dayz, you shall meet fine woman to make your whore Timmy like my Juanita…….or youz mama……(He smiles to himself as he rubs himself under his shorts. He stops, takes the hand out, sniffs it, and recoils a little) Come Timmy, lez meet Josez family!
He walks Timmy through the house to the back and opens some French window. We see a shot of Timmy’s shocked face as the window opens. We pan around to a shot of Jose’s garden. Lots of children, dirty and dressed in rags are working the land. Some are breaking rocks, some are collecting water from a leaking pipe, some are gathering crops. We pan back to Timmy.
Timmy: (Nervous) Are these all your children Mr. Jose?
Jose: (Slaping Timmy on the back) Yez! Weeeeell somes are from Jose’s loinz, somes I collect. Dat one over therez I wons in card game. Hez hard worker! As you are Petorzen’s best boy, I shall starts yous off well. You may use ze plough.
Timmy: (Shocked) But Mr. Jose! I’m only a child! This is against the law!
Jose: (Snaping and in Timmy’s face)BALLZTOYOURLAWZ! YOU WORK! YOU EAT! (Stops, pulls away, and smiles) Tiz iz man’s work Timmy! Be a maaaaaan!
Timmy looks back over the garden and gives a deep sigh.
Shot of the French windows from outside.
Mrs Peterson (VO): Thank you so much Jose. I hope Timmy wasn’t any bother.
Jose (Appearing at window), Twas no problem. Timmy iz guud boy. Zees. Hez having fun!
Mrs. Peterson appears at window and she looks shocked at what she sees. Cut to a shot of Timmy ploughing the ground all by himself, school clothes ripped, cigar butt in mouth, struggling and looking exhausted. Back to the shot of Mrs. Peterson and Jose
Jose: (with tear in eye) Youz must be so proud of your son, Yez?