Monday 7th December 2009 2:07am
36,464 posts
Quote: Marc P @ December 6 2009, 4:52 PM GMT
I just did a finalish edit to a wedding vid for a fiend on iMovie. Tried to speed up a section of the bridal car arriving and it said it needed to covert the entire. It converted the whole lot and now it looks like flickery shit and seems to be not undoable. So I am going to have to do the whole edit again.
Oh noes!
Have you been splitting scenes? So that you only edit certain selected portions?
When you drag a clip on to the timeline - don't. Copy n paste it so you still have the original clip in the library.
You should be able to roll back to the original clip, not sure why you can't?
How was you trying to speed it up anyway? Benny Hill style? 
Quote: DaButt @ December 6 2009, 5:27 PM GMT
I hate iMovie. The sole reason I have my Macbook set to dual-boot to Windows 7 and OS X is to allow me to run Sony Vegas.
It's excellent for a free program. WMM is a lot worse.