Quote: don rushmore @ December 1 2009, 4:08 PM GMT*waits patiently on edge of seat*

Quote: don rushmore @ December 1 2009, 4:08 PM GMT*waits patiently on edge of seat*
Quote: Nogget @ December 1 2009, 4:03 PM GMTI want to see a Suzie guide to elocution.
Just as Harry H. Corbett (who has already been portrayed by Jason Isaacs) was known as the English Marlon Brando, so too is Suzie Cocktail known as the American James Cotter.
Quote: AngieBaby @ November 30 2009, 11:02 PM GMTare you for real Aaron?
I are a figments of your imaginations.
Quote: Kenneth @ December 2 2009, 10:37 AM GMTJust as Harry H. Corbett (who has already been portrayed by Jason Isaacs) was known as the English Marlon Brando, so too is Suzie Cocktail known as the American James Cotter.
I think she's a bit better looking then me.
I think I'm more like Harry H. Corbett
I bet you can't wait to meet my granpy
I've been thinking, Suzie - will we ever get to meet your granpy?
Quote: Suzie Cocktail @ December 3 2009, 11:34 AM GMTI bet you can't wait to meet my granpy
\O/ \O/
Well that was an odd one.
They should have unblurred the porn and blurred out Suzie and her Grandfather, then it might have been watchable.
I've said it once and I'll say it again: More jokes, less clothes.
Why is this under 'comedy'?
Could anyone possibly find any funny?
Quote: Dolly Dagger @ December 3 2009, 1:52 PM GMTWhy is this under 'comedy'?
Could anyone possibly find any funny?
It's a complete waste of time going down that road; we all know how subjective comedy is.
Phew! It looks like Suzie C has condensed the laughs into one very short video.
Quote: Dolly Dagger @ December 3 2009, 4:33 PM GMTPhew! It looks like Suzie C has condensed the laughs into one very short video.
Very cutie putie ! we should do one together
Quote: Suzie Cocktail @ December 3 2009, 4:44 PM GMTVery cutie putie ! we should do one together
I'd love to see you both do a carrot.
Quote: Dolly Dagger @ December 3 2009, 4:33 PM GMTPhew! It looks like Suzie C has condensed the laughs into one very short video.
Huzzah smut begats smut.
Leave it long enough and we'll get our own BCG Razzle pile up.
Quote: Suzie Cocktail @ December 3 2009, 11:34 AM GMTI bet you can't wait to meet my granpy
Not funny just unpleasant and not even erotic.
And this is what YouTube puts up next to your vids
Kinda says everything there is to say about this dubious series.
Quote: Nogget @ December 3 2009, 4:48 PM GMTI'd love to see you both do a carrot.
I am not even going to say anything.