Saturday 28th November 2009 7:16pm
1,513 posts
My niece thinks she is f**king hilarious. She's 8.
We had a family meal once, with my sisters, their partners, mum, dad and grandparents.
She kept telling shitty little Knock Knock gags...everytime she told one she stood up on her chair, like she was on stage. Everytime she started a knock knock gag my grandad would get up from the table and say 'Oh, there's somebody at the door' and walk out of the living room and go and answer the door. In turn, she thought this was f**king hilarious and wouldn't stop laughing. I swear she thought she was on an ITV an audience with programme..which annoyed me.
I sat there with a half hearted smirk, dying to shout out 'Get off, you're shit'
Sit down, they're not funny. Let me enjoy my trifle in peace so we can all get out of this hell hole of pretend happiness.