British Comedy Guide

Writing for Newsjack (aka 7 on 7) Page 88

Quote: chipolata @ November 18 2009, 11:08 AM GMT

It would be interesting to know if the people invited to the RFTP workshops got more stuff into this series than those that didn't. Ditto for the next series of Newsjack (assuming there is one). Will those invited to these workshops get more stuff on the next series?

I guess going to the workshop might give you a better chance of getting your name recognised and your sketch more closely read but I doubt it will get your work on air unless it is goood enough - workshop attendee or not.

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ November 24 2009, 2:20 PM GMT

One of the regulars on here used to think they were "blacklisted" by the Beeb. I'm kind of thinking I am too. :(

But why would they do that?

Also, what you think is funny might not be seen as such by others. Look at Lab Rats. ;)

My only advice is based on my strategy to getting on these shows and that's to listen to them and work out what they find funny and the tone, length, rhythm of the jokes that get on. Its all about the show. My sketch was 100% inspired by an earlier one-liner on that show that got a big laugh so I knew I was on safe-ish ground. Its not an exact science but keep going.

If you don't find a show funny then I'd say don't write for it as you have a different sense of humour to it.

Quote: Afinkawan @ November 24 2009, 3:01 PM GMT

I guess going to the workshop might give you a better chance of getting your name recognised and your sketch more closely read but I doubt it will get your work on air unless it is goood enough - workshop attendee or not.

The fact that its a day-long workshop will hopefully mean that you'll get more pointers on how to get stuff on to a show than a half page of text in the Writersroom. So on that basis your work should improve enough to get you on the show more often, not your name.

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ November 24 2009, 2:44 PM GMT

Yeah, you're right, Griff. :(
Maybe I need to clear my head a bit, and get out of feeling so low.

Seriously, give up writing!

.... for like two days or even a week ;)

Refresh your brain, fill it with life and its quirks and come back to it. Sometimes you can feel like a drained robot going through the motions, and if you are allocating time to write and you don't produce anything you beat yourself up about it. So just plan not to write for a few days, do it as part of your writing ie having a break will benefit it.

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ November 24 2009, 2:29 PM GMT

heh, I almost believe that. :P

I was joking - but (with respect) I do think you go on a bit, Mikey! For example, I've edited your Street Crime - cutting out stuff that I think is not particularly funny. What I have left in is good - although I did play around a bit with that as well!


Street Crime
A magazine-style radio sketch about an investigation into street crime.

Statistics say we are are ten times more likely to fall victim to street crime . Our reporter Veronica has been investigating. So, Veronica. What's been happening out there?


Not a lot actually.

Really? What's the word on the street?

No parking.


I'm under a 'No Parking' sign.

No, no. What have people been saying?

Oh - One woman told me that she had a dangerous weapon thrust in her face.

(EXCITED) A knife? A gun?

No...A Big Issue.

(EAGERLY )Wrapped around an iron bar?

No - Just a Big Issue.

(CLEARLY EMBARRASSED) Er - thanks Veronica...


(BRIGHTLY) Here's Jilly with the weather!


I think both versions of this Street Crime sketch are funny. It must just be a luck of the draw type thing. Plus, the workshop invitations might not have all been sent out yet.

but (with respect) I do think you go on a bit, Mikey!

Yes, I suppose I do. :) But... many a time, I say what a lot of peeps are thinking but don't want to say.

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ November 24 2009, 6:05 PM GMT

Yes, I suppose I do. :) But... many a time, I say what a lot of peeps are thinking but don't want to say.

I think Morrace meant your sketch was a bit longer than it needed to be to make its point. I may be wrong.

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ November 24 2009, 6:05 PM GMT

Yes, I suppose I do. :) But... many a time, I say what a lot of peeps are thinking but don't want to say.

Well, one of the reasons they don't want to say it is because half the industry are reading. It's your choice Mikey. Slag off a show on a public messageboard if it helps get things off your chest, but don't then expect those same TV and Radio producers you've just insulted to fall over themselves to work with you. Just my 2p of advice.

Quote: Griff @ November 24 2009, 6:51 PM GMT

Well, one of the reasons they don't want to say it is because half the industry are reading.

I feel a little bit sick every time somebody says something like this.

I feel sick when people say there is some sort of conspiracy. I have no links with beeb at all and got onto these shows on my own back.

I'll be honest, I've seen a few of the sketches people think should have got on various shows over the years and, yes, some are good but none have ever made me think some injustice has been done. Some probably got close though and in Mikey's case if the beeb came back to you and said 'nearly' then that's more feedback than most people get.

Finally, complaining about it is not going to get you in, perseverance at least gives you a chance.

Quote: Griff @ November 24 2009, 6:51 PM GMT

Well, one of the reasons they don't want to say it is because half the industry are reading.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ November 24 2009, 7:05 PM GMT

I feel a little bit sick every time somebody says something like this.

I don't!

The BBC is little more than a purveyor of the most degrading, toxic and low-brow so-called comedy known to man. A culture of excellence and innovation is now replaced with an incompetent desire to pander to the lowest possible denominator, whilst covering their own collective arses. The result is that not only do piss-poor TV programmes get made; they then get re-commissioned because if they did axe a series after one season, it's an admission of failure - even when the only failure was broadcasting the pile of horseshit in the first place! Furthermore the producers/script editors of Newsjack (aka 7 on 7) are a bunch of incompetent practitioners of the 'you scratch my back' culture and nepotism. They don't know comedy from their well-entered arses to their worn out (from masturbation) elbows half the time.



Is Morrace your full, real name, Morrace?

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ November 24 2009, 7:59 PM GMT

Is Morrace your full, real name, Morrace?

Hold on, I'll just check...

No. Not even close. ;)

Quote: Morrace @ November 24 2009, 7:56 PM GMT

I don't!

The BBC is little more than a purveyor of the most degrading, toxic and low-brow so-called comedy known to man. A culture of excellence and innovation is now replaced with an incompetent desire to pander to the lowest possible denominator, whilst covering their own collective arses. The result is that not only do piss-poor TV programmes get made; they then get re-commissioned because if they did axe a series after one season, it's an admission of failure - even when the only failure was broadcasting the pile of horseshit in the first place! Furthermore the producers/script editors of Newsjack (aka 7 on 7) are a bunch of incompetent practitioners of the 'you scratch my back' culture and nepotism. They don't know comedy from their well-entered arses to their worn out (from masturbation) elbows half the time.



What Kevin said.

Did everyone who got stuff in get an invite to the workshops? I just got a one-liner in but I haven't heard owt. I think I remember someone saying they got an invite after a 14 second one-liner. I would have thought by now they've sent out all the invites they're gonna :(

Quote: Beelzebozo @ November 25 2009, 12:36 AM GMT

I would have thought by now they've sent out all the invites they're gonna :(

That seems like a reasonable assumption.

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