Quote: Aaron @ November 22 2009, 3:06 PM GMT
I've not actually seen Fresh Fields yet. I'll make sure to get around to it soon with all of these ringing endorsements! 
I didn't like either Fresh Fields or French Fields. Weak I thought. But some people seem to really like them.
>_< I don't belieeeeeeeeve it!
Quote: Aaron @ November 22 2009, 3:06 PM GMT
I've not actually seen Fresh Fields yet. I'll make sure to get around to it soon with all of these ringing endorsements! 
Aaron, have you seen 'If you see God Tell him...?' A bit dark but I thought it was great. A real dig at the advertising industry. For a while after seeing it my 'viewer watch out they're trying to hypnotise you into emptying your wallet into their bank account' consciouness was considerably raised. Also a dig at how cruel the system can sometimes be. You can buy it on DVD now.
[Richard Briers (The Good Life) plays Godfrey Spry, who, having been hit on the head in a freak accident ends up with an attention span of 30 secs. As a result he begins to obsess over TV commercials and begins to take advertising claims literally, causing erratic twists in his behaviour and complicating the lives of those around him. Dark funny writing which satirises the advertising industry and a million miles away from a typical Richard Briers cosy comedy.
Dark funny writing which satirises the advertising industry and a million miles away from a typical Richard Briers cosy comedy.]