British Comedy Guide

The sitcommission

Hello all

My name is Terry. I'm new to the forum and thought it would be polite to say hello. I've got limited experience of comedy writing. I had a Monologue performed by Johnny Vegas for BBC's World Cup tapes a while back but I have been concentrating on writing TV drama in recent times.

I wonder if any of you "reglars" have experience with this comp?

I'm going to give it a go and wondered if you have any words of wisdom to share.

Bye for now.


PS. I'll get me coat! Just seen the two hunderd and odd comments in active threads. I'm the one sidling towars the door with my collar up.

Hi, Terry. Welcome to the site :)

There is a whole, magical thread devoted to The Sitcom Mission right over here.

Hope that helps.


Hello! :)

Wotcha. Wave

Alright, me ol' Empire State? Wave

Nice to have you aboard.

hi there. Wave

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