Friday 20th November 2009 9:16pm
51,287 posts
Could have been worse could have been the one with the; cyber sufragette, the poorly animated fart monsters, the Mouse trap wasp, the one where the dr gurned like he'd actually shat into his own appendix, the one that was really gay, the one where John Barrowman tried to act and hurt himself, the one with the really ugly companion who shouted alot, the one where the daleks were really shit, the one that made no sense, the one that was really really gay, the one where the dr said "I love..." like a retard in love with a piece of fruit, the one where catherine tate shouted, the one that made even less sense, the one with the stupid cat things, the one with the really obvious moral point, the one where the music drowns out the dialoige, the one where you wished the music drowned out the dialogue, the one where the master is a poof, the one that wasn't bad.
Could have been worse could have shown them torchwood.