British Comedy Guide

Night night/bye bye Page 338

Night, Andrea! Wave

Quote: Tim Walker @ November 19 2009, 4:00 AM GMT

*looks at watch*

Blimey! Oops, time for bed. Night guys. Wave

Oh, and you too. Wave

Night Leevil!

Night Tim!

Wave Wave

Good night Morrace!


Night Andrea!


I should probably go too. But I've only done eight pages tonight, and not my goal of ten. :(

Quote: Morrace @ November 19 2009, 4:05 AM GMT

Night Leevil!

Night Tim!

Wave Wave

Night, Morrace Wave

Quote: Leevil @ November 19 2009, 4:09 AM GMT

But I've only done eight pages tonight, and not my goal of ten.

Pages? You're staying in a hotel?


Right, I'm off! Night anyone who's still here Wave

Oh my zipperdy jimbobs it's gone 2 :O!

Night night all, bloomin eck! Wave

Yeah, good night Ian, and whatever the hell you said. :D

Night, darlings! Stay wonderful! XXX Wave

G'night Tim and Lee!

Hopefully I'll get to chat with you again before my internet gets shut down. Big hugs from across the pond! XXX

Goodnight, Andie!

Hope we see you again if not hopefully you'll return soon! The midnight boards won't be the same without you. Not now you're leaving me with Tim!


Wave Hug

Quote: Leevil @ November 20 2009, 3:39 AM GMT

Goodnight, Andie!

Hope we see you again if not hopefully you'll return soon! The midnight boards won't be the same without you. Not now you're leaving me with Tim!


Wave Hug

Hopefully the jerk will pay the bill, like he promised he would. :(
I'll figure out a way to stay in contact. Wave

Quote: AndreaLynne @ November 20 2009, 3:40 AM GMT

Hopefully the jerk will pay the bill, like he promised he would. :(
I'll figure out a way to stay in contact. Wave

:O Eh? What's this?


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