British Comedy Guide

1st part of TV sitcomedy

Sitcomedy. Part 1 rest to come

Mike Frank and Dave are in a pub. They are speaking.

Mike: Yeah but you know wet im like I get all funny about anything new

Frank: I can see you not mean exactly

Mike: Yeah but whoever im just saying it takes me a while to get my brain into tune

Frank: Yeah but I don't understand why your like that

Dave: Nor does I either.

Frank: Nor does you wht?

Dave: Nothing its just that I sometimes.....

Frank: So come on tell me it.

Mike: Just that I met this woman like.

Frank: That's very good.

Dave: When is this women to be?

Frank: Forget it im not interesting.

Mike: Can you go to Macdonalds now?

Sean I just never liked pasry

Dave: Who has ever tried to get you into pasry?

Mike: You know just people go on have a pasry.

Frank I can't say that's ever happened to me

Mike: Well whosever anywaythat's one

Frank: One wit ???

Mike: One thing vie never got into

Frank: So that's what you think eh? I'm off back to me mums.

Mike: There you go

Frank: Thats not wow I said is it.

Mike I will that whatever you say then.

Frank: It sure wasn't !!

Dave: At least he know how he ate popper!!

Mike Well theres still loads

Frank: Yes the are leant loads

Dave: Your turn to buy get drinks, Tom

Mike: Go over then and do it before it gets closed.

Dave: Stop it before its to late you hethen.

Mike: Sometimes I don't know why I bother you know.

Dave: You keep being stupid you bother then.

Frank: Piss off to Macdonals then whos coming?

Mike Frank and Dave all togetter: Hooray!

end of 1st part

I am scared.

Would it be easier to just rename Critique "Moominland"?

Come on, own up, who let an infinite number of monkeys in here?

Whistling nnocently

It's always good to see what the competition's up to. :)

Unconvincing dialogue. Bad spelling and grammar. Doesn't seem to be going anywhere.

I quite liked it. Reminded me a lot of French and Saunders earlier stuff.

*waits for Roodeye to explain why there is more to it than first appears*


Quote: Timbo @ November 19 2009, 6:48 PM GMT

*waits for Roodeye to explain why there is more to it than first appears*

From a literary perspective, I doubt there's more to this script than there appears.

From a psychological perspective, the script differs from almost all others in Critique in that almost every other sketch has been posted as someone's 'best effort' while this, and a handful of others, appear not to be genuine attempts to master the scriptwriter's art.

Something's afoot. Cool

Quote: Roodeye @ November 19 2009, 6:55 PM GMT

Something's afoot. Cool

About 12 inches! :)

Critique is getting better than Waking The Dead. Not a massive achievement, IMO, but all the same... *waits for more* :)

Only morrice and steven have said sensible stuff espesally steven. All of the rest are stupid things with silly stuff and daft smilleys and jokes.

Well, it made me laugh.

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