Wednesday 18th November 2009 7:29am [Edited]
15,786 posts
Men tend to emotionally regress (when angry) more commonly than women, is the way I see it. Why? Don't know, ask a psychologist or psychiatrist... Actually, I don't think they have any great explanations. It's behaviour that teenage boys/adult men would never display normally in front of other males. But when it's a woman... paging Dr Freud... Oh, wait, he's dead, sorry, cancel that request.
Possibly to do with unhealthy separation issues from their mothers when young?
Quote: Leevil @ November 18 2009, 2:27 AM GMT
The consumer's are to blame. I don't mean us regulars, but the parents who buy their little darlings what they want.
You have your latest console, web cam'd computer, free access to the internet and walls and what do you do? Abuse them?!
In my day, we only had three walls, none of this fourth wall shit. The fourth wall didn't exist and the idea of mentioning was unthinkable. We cherished our three walls, and we certainly didn't punch them, smear our blue blood mockingly over their faces. No! We loved our walls, and our 16 bit consoles.
There was also never this violence before sitcoms started breaking the (unmentioned) fourth wall. Coincidence? I think not.