British Comedy Guide

Sitcom (Com)Mission Page 16

Wow, it turns out I *am* Ennie after all! :) Thanks Badge! Hello too to Die Hard, Kev and Russell, and of course Simon and Declan. It was so lovely to meet you all on Saturday. How are the scripts going?

I can't stress enough that the workshops are FABULOUS. There's nothing like a group of actors reading your script out to identify the weaknesses in it. (And if that sounds painful, then it is ;)...but it's tough love and you bloody well need it).

As if that wasn't enough, the feedback you get from Simon and Declan and everyone in the group is invaluable. Great idea to tape the performances and feedback too. It's a totally supportive and inclusive environment. DO IT!!!

I've got my script nearly finished. A great Sit. All I need now is someone to add the Com.

Quote: Ennie @ November 10 2009, 10:27 PM GMT

There's nothing like a group of actors reading your script out to identify the weaknesses in it. (And if that sounds painful, then it is ;)...but it's tough love and you bloody well need it).

Hi Ennie Wave

You're not wrong about the painful, I just listened to the recording of mine and the actors were great, but the pain was very real, ...very, very real.

Wave Hello Die Hard! :-)

Yours was fantastic and as I remember, encouraged loads of enthusiastic comment and ideas. And that was even without the props!

I think we've got to somehow learn to embrace the pain. I was diverted slightly by the also-significant pain of hearing my own voice on the feedback bit.

It's all for our own good though. Honest. :-)

You're too kind, and though not true, I prefer your memory of the event so I'm clinging to that. I'm still gutted I didn't get to use my sticky blue spots and pound-shop gun! I'm going to try and embrace the pain later this week with a serious re-write. I had a fantastic time and got so much out of this workshop though so I know you're right, no pain no gain. ...oh the pain. Teary

Quote: Ennie @ November 10 2009, 10:27 PM GMT

I can't stress enough that the workshops are FABULOUS. There's nothing like a group of actors reading your script out to identify the weaknesses in it.

Hey, and the strengths as well! Though I haven't listened to the recording of mine yet...

Just wanted to thank Kevin Murphy for his suggestion that we tape the readings and feedback. It worked brilliantly and we'll definitely keep it in.

Funny listening to your own voice, though. I don't half go on sometimes...

Next workshop is in Leeds (22nd Nov) then London 28th Nov, London again on the 5th December and after that we're off to Manchester on the 13th.

That last date means I probably won't be able to stay for the drinks on the 12th because I've got to be up at the squeak of sparrow fart the following day.


Anybody else go to the Miranda Hart Q and A at the Soho Theatre? I thought it was fascinating

Didn't want to say...



Well, I've completed my script for this.
But I'm not going to enter quite yet, just in case I think of something better to write. :)

I entered yesterday. Re-wrote it mutliple times before hand and am quite sure I can't improve it any more before I get the feedback. I hope. Rolling eyes

Hello my BCGing chums

Some very exciting news from Sitcom Mission land is... The Sitcom Mission is now FREE to enter!

That's right, FREE!

It's FREE, I tell you, FREE dammit FREE!

Just like Berlin, 20 years ago.

We're only charging for the feedback, so you can enter as many times as you flipping well like for the cost of... er... nothing.

And for the one person who has paid to enter... please contact us for a refund. You know who you are!

Cheers, Declan and Simon

PS, check out our latest blog here

Quote: Declan @ November 16 2009, 11:22 PM GMT

Hello my BCGing chums

Some very exciting news from Sitcom Mission land is... The Sitcom Mission is now FREE to enter!

That's right, FREE!

It's FREE, I tell you, FREE dammit FREE!

Just like Berlin, 20 years ago.

We're only charging for the feedback, so you can enter as many times as you flipping well like for the cost of... er... nothing.

And for the one person who has paid to enter... please contact us for a refund. You know who you are!

Cheers, Declan and Simon

PS, check out our latest blog here

Excellent! My co-writer has already given me half the entrance fee. This could be the first Sitcom Trials/Mission where I finally turn a profit.

And, by ABSOLUTE PURE COINCIDENCE, this popped up in my RSS reader today...

My interest has been tweaked by this announcement. This will not end well for me.

Quote: Gerry McDonnell @ November 16 2009, 11:37 PM GMT

My interest has been tweaked by this announcement. This will not end well for me.

Now that's how to hook a reader. I give up; why will it end badly?

for Sitcom Mission

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