British Comedy Guide

Stand up Comedy. Page 30

He was in Cardiff on Monday - the bit where he said he wouldn't even be an expert in the pub quiz round 'things Daniel Kitson knows', as when they read out the answers he'd go 'Oh, I do know that, yes.' had me in tears.

Quote: thefridaylink @ November 8 2009, 11:49 AM GMT

Find one and people will come.

You've never gigged in London if you think that!

What was the experience like ? not a great gig but I enjoyed it. delivered my first heckle put down too. was a at a comedy club in southend-on-sea called Jinx! back in oct '99.

Did you go on a course beforehand ? No.

How did your preformance(s) go down with the audience ? not bad, not brillaint either. good start, rambling middle good hurried end.

Is anyone currently trying their hand at open mic nights ? Or has anyone actually been paid for any gigs ? still do them now and again. haven't gigged for a while though. have been paid at various points in my ahem! 'career'.

Quote: Stan Doubt @ November 8 2009, 7:58 PM GMT

He was in Cardiff on Monday - the bit where he said he wouldn't even be an expert in the pub quiz round 'things Daniel Kitson knows', as when they read out the answers he'd go 'Oh, I do know that, yes.' had me in tears.

A latte?!?

I could not believe how much I loved the bit that followed.

I wish he had more commercial releases.

2 new ones.

I thought a visit to Kuala Lumpur would be relaxing, but there was a lot of Malaise.


A fecophiliac asked me out the other day. She said she was my number 2 fan.

Not so keen on the latter but I love Malays like it was my child.

Quote: thefridaylink @ November 13 2009, 3:44 PM GMT

2 new ones.

I thought a visit to Kuala Lumpur would be relaxing, but there was a lot of Malaise.


A fecophiliac asked me out the other day. She said she was my number 2 fan.

Not so keen on the latter but I love Malays like it was my child.

The 'malaise' joke is potentially clever but I'd suggest a rewrite because relaxation and malaise are by no means incongruent.

If we accept that malaise is a general feeling of being unwell, youre joke might work better as "I thought Kuala Lumpur would be a healthy environment, but I found a lot of malaise".

As for the 'fecophiliac' line, I strongly suggest you have an assistant handing out dictionaries before you deliver it. ;)

Roodeye's spot on there. The malaise gag needs a properly contrasting word.

Quote: Roodeye @ November 13 2009, 4:03 PM GMT

As for the 'fecophiliac' line, I strongly suggest you have an assistant handing out dictionaries before you deliver it. ;)

It's not a word you'll find in a dictionary. At least not spelled that way.

Man I suck at antonyms.
And you guys rock.

Healthy works much much better.

and fecophiliac ... is it that obscure? I'll stick it after my Descartes material in the set ... cos if they get that then the rest is easy.

Quote: David Bussell @ November 13 2009, 4:40 PM GMT

It's not a word you'll find in a dictionary. At least not spelled that way.

**Googles fecophilia ...sets off a few alarms in the IT department.**

I had a deliberately bad necrophiliac gag ... something like

How the hell do you get into necrophilia? I mean I would love it if my wife were dead but only to have sex with OTHER women.

Anyway need to tweak my set a bit and my delivery loads cos I don't want to come across as massively smug. "I have GCSEs!! I know what fecophilia means! And when Caesar crossed the Rubicon!" etc...

Mind you in the quieter open mics that I do, some of that stuff goes down really well so I think there work that needs doing on presentation - Roodeye I think gave a great tip about working with slightly less accessible material and involving the crowd so will focus more on that.

Anyway great tips all round.

I like ensure a few things before I leave the house.

Guarantee-based payment system - cheque
Book on Slavic languages - Czech
A woven fabric having a repeating pattern of colours - no I appear to have left that behind.

Am going to do a set next week where I just tell anecdotes instead of puns and one liners. Will let you know how it goes.

One liners are very hard to do well, there's a thin line with them between funny and cheesy, Tim Vine can get away with them because he embraces the cheese (so to speak) and Milton Jones/Stu Francis/Steven Wright have a slightly surreal persona which allows them to flourish.

I've still trying to find my "style" when it comes to them, anecdotes and longer bits of material are much easier as people can get a grasp of what you're "about" and buy into them.

Good luck and let us know how you get on!

Saw David Bussell do stand-up this evening and I must say he is funny both on-screen and off-screen. And if anything you benefits from seeing him live as all his video work suffers due to having to frame shots so as to fit his hair in.

So good work Bussell

Quote: Chopz @ November 18 2009, 12:00 AM GMT

Saw David Bussell do stand-up this evening and I must say he is funny both on-screen and off-screen. And if anything you benefits from seeing him live as all his video work suffers due to having to frame shots so as to fit his hair in.

So good work Bussell

Cheers, Stuart. It was a pleasure seeing you rock the mic also, and a big switch in style from the stand-up of yours I've seen on YouTube - much looser and more animated.

I'll have it known that Stuart is also much taller than I'd anticipated, measuring at least six foot in height!

Quote: Tony Cowards @ November 17 2009, 5:04 PM GMT

One liners are very hard to do well, there's a thin line with them between funny and cheesy, Tim Vine can get away with them because he embraces the cheese (so to speak) and Milton Jones/Stu Francis/Steven Wright have a slightly surreal persona which allows them to flourish.

I've still trying to find my "style" when it comes to them, anecdotes and longer bits of material are much easier as people can get a grasp of what you're "about" and buy into them.

Good luck and let us know how you get on!

I didn't take you for a one liner type of comic Mr Cowards.
Have you always been a oner then?

Quote: deian @ November 18 2009, 11:34 AM GMT

I didn't take you for a one liner type of comic Mr Cowards.
Have you always been a oner then?

No, currently my stuff is more observations and anecdotes, but I've always been a fan of one-liner comics and they are what I enjoy writing so that's the direction I want to head in.

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