13th November 1789, Philadelphia. Benjamin Franklin is writing a letter at his desk.
There is a loud rap on the door. Franklin ignores it and continues writing. A few seconds later there is another loud rap on the door.
Franklin : Deborah! There is a visitor at the door.
He continues writing. A more urgent rap on the door.
Franklin : Deborah! The door!
We hear a door slam and footsteps rush out in the corridor outside.
Deborah : I'll go then shall I Benjamin? It's not like I've not enough to do. You just sit there writing your stupid letters.
Franklin : (sighs) I've lost my train of thought now!
He picks up his letter and reads what he has just written.
Franklin : In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except....hmm, except...umm... what next?
Deborah bursts through the door, looking very worried.
Deborah: Ben! There is a tax inspector at the door and he's got a very big gun.
Franklin doesn't look up but reaches for his pen.
Franklin: Excellent!