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I'm in the best place if there's a massive flood that wipes London off the map. Which could happen. In 2012, when the world ends as predicted by the Mayans.

2012? Is the apocalypse due before or after the Olympics? Please say before. *fingers crossed*

Quote: Tim Walker @ November 12 2009, 10:27 AM GMT

2012? Is the apocalypse due before or after the Olympics?

I'm not sure. I'm just going by Roland Emmerich movies.

Quote: chipolata @ November 12 2009, 9:55 AM GMT


I suspect it's also that talking oneself up is not a very British trait, so they'd have a pretty low level of applicants in the first place.

Quote: Tim Walker @ November 12 2009, 10:27 AM GMT

2012? Is the apocalypse due before or after the Olympics? Please say before. *fingers crossed*

Not during?

Quote: Aaron @ November 12 2009, 5:32 PM GMT


Not during?

No! I have a friend who will be competing. :D

In the Olympics? That's a disown-able offence.

Quote: Aaron @ November 12 2009, 6:20 PM GMT

In the Olympics? That's a disown-able offence.

Nope. She's a fellow cancer survivor and if all goes well for her, she'll be there in 2012, hopefully talking too loudly and screwing up public transportation. :D

But still... I do oh so very much wish that the French had beaten us. :(

I've decided I need a hairstyle as opposed to grade 2 all over.

Any ideas?


I think I might need an inbetween stage first Lee.



Wear a wig.

No I have hair, I just need a styliee to have it cut into.

Although a nice little blonde would go well with my heels.

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