Thursday 12th November 2009 6:30pm
11,542 posts
Quote: RubyMae - Glamourous Snowdrop at Large @ November 12 2009, 9:25 AM GMT
Roo is off.
I had a bit of a think about it and decided this place really is no longer for me at the moment. I've been quite hurt by comments recently and I feel that this place just seems to bring out the worst in people. As much as I would like to stay, it upsets me too much to keep seeing arguing over nothing and I hate the fact yesterday I was myself pulled into stooping to someone elses level. It goes to show that things are not okay here.
Thank you all for the laughs. 
PS, I'm not saying I have leaving huff huff BTW. Just going for a very long break!
Well I wasn't expecting THAT! You have my number Rubes, don't be a stranger!