British Comedy Guide

Writing for Newsjack (aka 7 on 7) Page 86

They didn't even acknowledge the fact they used one of my vox-pops...

Can someone IM me the name of a contacfor Newsjack as I haven't heard back from anyone. I can live without the 50p fee but it would be nice to know I can claim a credit!

Worth the effort on NJ as your fee will get rounded up to the nearest minute!

Quote: The Producer @ November 12 2009, 12:32 PM GMT

Worth the effort on NJ as your fee will get rounded up to the nearest minute!

Not in my case. I had a 1:40 sketch and got one minute's worth

ContainsNuts and others - you might need to contact the BBC rights people. I had 4 mins 20 on, but initially only got paid for one minute. At least one other writer I know was underpaid also (again only for 1 minute). When I contacted the BBC payroll people they were massively apologetic and corrected the payment.

Quote: ContainsNuts @ November 12 2009, 5:04 PM GMT

Not in my case. I had a 1:40 sketch and got one minute's worth

As Griff says, you should definitely call them as the BBC always rounds up.

That's why if your sketch comes in at 55 seconds, you should always find a place to add "(PAUSES FOR EXACTLY SIX SECONDS BEFORE CONTINUING)".

I don't completely understand the BBC rounding algorithm, whether they add the times of your items together and then round, or round them all up first and then add. I'm guessing the first. Also I don't know if they round to minutes or half-minutes (minutes has been my experience). But they certainly don't round down as far as I know.

Well I've got some contact details now so I'll give it a go.

I should probably get round to sending off the contract for the last series of RFTP too...

Apologies if this has already been mentioned but does anyone know if "Newsjack" will be asking for more submissions anytime soon?

Quote: Tony Cowards @ November 15 2009, 3:28 PM GMT

Apologies if this has already been mentioned but does anyone know if "Newsjack" will be asking for more submissions anytime soon?

There's a new series starting in the new year (January, I think). They'll probably put an invitation up on Writersroom nearer the time.

I'm pretty sure there's a new series in the new year.

Turns out my 14 seconds on Newsjack was enough after all (it was quite a 14 seconds though...) as I've just been invited to a NJ workshop on 4 December, so hope to see some of you there. Great that the BBC is making such an effort on this one.

Nice one The Producer! :)

Who else is going on Dec 4? Everybody posting so far seems to be going on the 12th.

I've been invited to the one on the 4th...

Quote: R.J. @ November 16 2009, 4:28 PM GMT

I've been invited to the one on the 4th...

Excellent - will be good to see a friendly avatar

Is there any way a mere mortal can attend one of those workshops or is it invitation only?

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