Wednesday 11th November 2009 11:21pm
76 posts
Not watched it yet (going to watch it on catchup) So I'll reserve judgement. However I thought it sounded a great premise. It seems that Gary Glitter has become the perfect media focus for Paedophilia. The media have been over sensationalising the crimes of Paedophiles for the past 15 or so years. Although the perportraters are indeed vile in their actions, it seems the press are more interested in selling papers in whipping up public outcry and fear through exageration and hype. As a result we now live in a society where you can hardly take photos of your own child. I myself was asked to stop taking photos of my son ice skating. Ice skating for Christs sake. Wrapped up in 10 layers of clothes, mittens and bobble hats. I've been working in youth groups recently. The kids seem to have one retort these days as an insult to adults. Calling them paedo's.
So I am kind of hoping this programme is going to highlight the media sensationilsm for what it is alongside the recent public surveys on the return of the death penalty. (For information in Feb 2008 99% of SUN readers voted to bring it suprise there...probably 100% now, or 150% to incorporate those who want to hang peditricians)
Chris Morris did this in a comical way on Brass Eye. Hope this is ths same.
I've not read all this thread so (and I fear) my hopes for a programme that highlights these issues in an intelligent way will probably not be realised.
NB: My favourite death penalty was one the Ancient Romans used to dish out to murderers. It was called, Monkey, Snake, Dog Bag. The poor victim was sewn into a sack with said creatures and thrown into the river Tiber. Whooooooa what maniac thought that one up? Imagine having that sentance delivered to you.
Don't know about you but it's the monkey that bothers me.
I would like to see a Richard Blackwood docu-drama that ended in Monkey, Snake, Dog bag !!! I know we've not seen much of him recently on the box, but he still needs to pay for his past crimes in my opinion.