Hi all
This morning a producer from a TV prodco called me to tell me about a malicious letter about me that she received this morning. This is the letter.
She treated it in a lighthearted-way, assuming it was some kind of weird joke, but I assured her I know of nobody who might do this. The letter makes reference to my online blog, although quite how the person has come to the conclusion that she's "sniffing around me" is beyond me. Obviously the worst aspect about the letter though is the "kiddie-fiddler" comment.
The letter itself was stuck to the back of the envelope rather than inside it, which obviously suggests that the person who sent it wanted as many people in the office as possible to read it.
For some reason the letter was also partially-burned, and there was an accompanying note from the Royal Mail, apologizing for the letter being damaged somehow in transit.
The letter is obviously designed to de-rail my "career" in some way (although it hasn't, luckily the producer is a friend as well as a professional contact and knows me well). But the letter is obviously a direct result of my online presence, and I'm not saying I'm certain that the perpetrator is a member of the BCG, but it is a distinct possibility seeing as how these are pretty much the only forums I ever post on.
I'm a father of two children, and the suggestion of me being a paedophile, however flippantly-worded, is serious and disturbing. It's also illegal, and the police have been notified, who will be investigating.
Anyway, for all the reasons above, I've decided to reduce my online presence to nil. I won't be posting in the BCG forums anymore (except to reply to this thread), and I'll also be pulling my comedy writing blog.
It's a lesson learned that the internet can be a strange place full of strange people who can, if they wish, use the web as a tool to inflict harm on others.
I've thoroughly-enjoyed my time on the BCG and have made some good friends here. You're largely a funny, nice bunch so thanks for all the laughs you've given me over the past couple of years.
All the best to you all and keep smiling
Lee x